The last trip around the quilt added sawtooth stars, and this round adds friendship stars! This will be my last round of blocks for my version of the quilt.
After adding the spacer borders, I set to work on the friendship stars. As when I made my sawtooth stars, I separated my scraps into light and dark piles. I had a little marathon cutting session and cut the block parts for all 42 friendship stars. I pinned the parts for each block together to make it easy for me to work on a block or two at a time when I had a few extra minutes.
All of the block parts stacked up is nearly 8" tall! I even had to add in extra fabric -- I had to add in a light green print as an extra "light" fabric because I had used up so much of the light fabrics I had originally pulled for this project. I've been pretty busy outside the sewing room, so these have been very slow going.
However, my pre-cut blocks have made it very easy to pick up a set of block parts and work on one block at a time. Last week, the majority of my sewing time was the few minutes I had between getting home from work, starting dinner, and my husband getting home from work. Saturday I finished up the blocks and started laying out the blocks.
I ended up with a lot more blue stars than I had anticipated! I did my best to both mix up the block colors and block background colors so the same colors weren't too close to one another, while also making it look mostly random. This is a hard task! It was much easier to arrange the sawtooth star blocks because there were half as many!
My quilt top is now finished -- hooray! (Even if I had to move furniture and turn on every lamp in my living room this morning before work to take this picture!)
There are a couple stars with different centers from their star points -- this again was a "make it work" decision to stretch my fabric. I thought I would only have enough fabric to make the sawtooth stars and I ended up with enough to make the complete round of friendship stars with the help of one extra background fabric. I thought this was going to be a wall hanging (a large wall hanging!) but now it is most certainly throw sized. I'm not planning on adding any more to this quilt, but I could always change my mind!
Happy Tuesday! Sharing at Linky Tuesday and Let's Bee Social! And Needle and Thread Thursday too!