For October I was working on an all solid quilt for Erin. I decided to do a side piece of a half Lone Star, strip pieced from some solid jelly roll strips I had left over from my original Firecracker quilt. I used a tutorial from this Moda Bake Shop Tutorial to make my Lone Star, but only made half of a star -- four diamonds worth.
Here's a shot in progress, with Miss Clara inspecting my work.
Here's the finished product:
My addition DOUBLES the quilt in size. I was a little worried about the scale and how much grey vs. color is in this section compared to the rest, but I think once more parts are added to the quilt, it won't be quite so stark of a difference.
This lone star was actually really zippy to put together. Not having to worry about color order in order to make a pattern within the wedges (I just made sure the same color wasn't touching one another) made it much easier to add the strips as I went along. I actually ended up having enough strips to make a whole star so I might end up making myself a mini star at some point.
Tanyia had my quilt this month and she added a row of blocks on one side. They just happen to be some of my favorite blocks, how did she know?!?!
I love that she added larger 12 inch blocks next to last month's addition of 8 inch blocks. I also am crushing hard on the flying geese that she added too! Perfect way to break up the row and give it a more fluid feel.
As of right now, my quilt is approximately 50 inches wide by 54 inches long, which is already big enough for a small throw and it still has TWO more stops before it will be returned to me. I think it will be at least 60 inches on each side (maybe not square, but it doesn't need to be) and then I can add on if I want to. Mine is actually one of the biggest ones in our group from what I can tell right now.