So I'll go through and do a quick update on my WIPs.
1. Farmer's Wife Quilt (RSC 2016 project) -- I decided that this is a good size as is and I bought a backing for it. I need to decide if I want to quilt it myself or have it sent out for quilting.
2. Traveling Quilt Bee (2016) -- I need to add more blocks to this quilt. I don't know if I want to do this myself or pass it along to my mom/sister/other quilty friends.
3. Coast to Coast Bee -- I am currently figuring out what to add to Karen's quilt. She requested blocks in black, white, and teal and I will need to buy some white with black prints.
4. Stash Bee Star quilt -- This one still no additional progress. It is partially quilted and just waiting to be worked on.
5. Top Spin leaders and enders -- I am still working on this as a leader and ender project but I haven't been in as good of a habit of using leaders and enders with as much paper piecing I have done lately.
6. Meadow Mystery QAL -- I have completed this quilt top (hooray) and need to buy backing and batting to quilt this one.
7. Pineapple Stash Bee Blocks -- I haven't touched this since I got the blocks over a year ago. My plan is to ask for more blocks in June when I am queen bee.
8. Summer on the Coast Quilt -- This top is complete, I need to buy backing fabric and batting to quilt it.
9. Monthly Wall Hangings -- I haven't touched this.
10. Allison Glass Sampler Quilt - I bought the backing fabric for this project and am figuring out how I want to quilt it.
11. Sew Kitschy Blocks - No progress
12. Romantic Garden Quilt - No progress
13. Mini Monthly Wall Hangings - No progress
14. Happy Houses blocks - Made blocks in January, February, and March as my Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks. I cut a bunch of fabric for blocks to make in April, only to realize I need to buy sky blue fabric to be able to make more blocks.
15. Birthstone blocks - No progress
New Projects:
1. Ongoing various Island Batik Ambassador projects -- My February, March, and April projects are completed and posted. I haven't started my May project yet.
2. Gathering Mystery Quilt with Cora's Quilts -- I am about two weeks behind on this QAL, but I'm not forcing myself to keep up weekly with all of the other commitments that I have. This is my current "fun" project.
3. Christine's Kitchen QAL -- In progress, I am actually only about a week ahead of the QAL schedule since I did not write this pattern myself.
4. May project for Moda Bake Shop -- I'm currently building the blocks and will hopefully get the quilting started this weekend. This is my current priority project.
So clearly I haven't done that well in cutting down my number of WIPs over the last three months but being an Island Batik Ambassador and working on additional projects for MBS and Benartex has taken up a lot of my time.
Here are my goals for May:
1. Finish Moda Bake Shop project -- scheduled publication of May 7th
2. Finish May Island Batik project -- not started, but a mini quilt so it should come together quickly
3. Bee obligations -- Coast to Coast Bee (May 15th) and Stash Bee (May 31st)
4. Christine's Kitchen -- posts and blocks for May 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd
All of these projects are things that *have* to be done in May so this list isn't negotiable, but it is totally reasonable given that most of these are on the smaller side other than my Moda Bake Shop project. That should give me enough time to make progress on a few of my WIP projects as well.
Anyone else taking one step forward and two steps back with their WIPs and UFOs?