I did actually plan to join in on Bonnie Hunter's Mystery quilt, On Ringo Lake, this year after sitting on the sidelines for the last few years. However, after seeing the initial fabric requirements, with 3-5 yards suggested for four different fabrics, I almost changed my mind! I wasn't totally taken with the original fabric suggestions - aqua, coral, brown, and neutrals.
After seeing all of the creative alternate color combinations others were planning to use, I decided to go out on a limb and come up with my own color combination after Clue #1 came out on Friday. My new color scheme is yellow (replacing aqua), TBD (coral), orange (brown), and black (neutrals) and I'm only making half as many units as Bonnie "prescribes" in each clue for a smaller quilt.
The color that will replace coral is TBD only because we didn't use it in the first clue. I have three options -- aquas, pinks, or lime green. I'm not sure what to do just yet, so tell me what you think in the comments!
The first clue was to make nine-patches. The above photo is from when I had cut all of the strips for my nine patches. I cut from my strings first and then cut from small scraps, estimating how much fabric I would need for my units. I strip pieced my strips and did all of the sub-cutting in one evening and finished up the nine-patches the next.
I did a surprisingly good job estimating how much fabric I would need for the first clue - I ended up with no extra components and had one extra nine-patch!
It's also fun to look at some of these scraps and remember where they came from! The black and gold Chinese writing print came from a charm square swap I was in in 2012. The bright yellow floral is from my first quilt for Moda Bake Shop. The orange in the lower left nine-patch is from my Gathering mystery quilt.
Check out all of the other progress in the Clue #1 link up! Also linking up at NTT!