The second 12" block row for the QCQAL will be courthouse steps!
Courthouse steps is a type of log cabin block and the block we'll be making has cornerstones in each block to integrate some background fabric in each block.
As before the cutting diagram shows how to cut for one block and the directions below show the total cutting for a throw sized quilt and for a twin sized quilt. This one is especially easy to make in batches -- and there are no triangles at all! I've decided to make all of my blocks exactly the same, but will rotate them in the row to add interest.
For a throw sized quilt you will need:
Four (4) 9.5 x 2 inch strips in each of your four colors (16 total)
Four (4) 6.5 x 2 inch strips in each of your four colors (16 total)
Four (4) 3.5 x 2 inch strips in each of your four colors (16 total)
Four (4) 3.5 inch background squares
Forty eight (48) 2 inch background squares
For a twin sized quilt you will need:
Six (6) 9.5 x 2 inch strips in each of your four colors (24 total)
Six (6) 6.5 x 2 inch strips in each of your four colors (24 total)
Six (6) 3.5 x 2 inch strips in each of your four colors (24 total)
Six (6) 3.5 inch background squares
Seventy two (72) 2 inch background squares
Decide which color will be at the top (for mine, the navy), right side (light blue), bottom (green), and left side (yellow) of each block. I made all of mine with the same color orientations, and turned them in the row.
For all of your side fabric strips, sew on your cornerstone squares to each end. It will be helpful to press towards your focus fabric. Unit A is your 3.5 x 2 inch strip + 2 background squares, Unit B is your 6.5 x 2 inch strip + 2 background squares, and Unit C is your 9.5 x 2 inch strip + 2 background squares
Sew your 3.5 x 2 inch top and bottom strips to your 3.5 inch background square. Press away from the center.
Sew your Unit As to the sides of each unit. Press away from the center.
Sew your 6.5 x 2 inch top and bottom strips to the sides of your center square. Press away from the center.
Sew your Unit Bs to the sides of each unit. Press away from the center.
Sew your 9.5 x 2 inch top and bottom strips to the sides of your center square. Press away from the center.
Sew your Unit Cs to the sides of each unit. Press away from the center. And voila -- your block is complete!
Since I'm planning to make a twin sized quilt, I need three rows of 12 inch blocks. I decided to make a row of X + blocks to show off the large scale prints I have. Here are all three of my finished rows:
Here's a close up of my X + blocks:
Show us your 12 inch block rows!