***The giveaway is now closed!!! Thanks to everyone who entered! Winners will be announced soon!***
It's the most wonderful time of the year --- Giveaway Day (week) at Sew Mama Sew!
(What, did you think I was talking about Christmas?)
This year I have not one, not two, but three stash bags to give away!
The first is green:
The second is blue:
The third is brown:
To enter to win:
1. Leave me a comment with your favorite quilt block. Links to tutorials are encouraged!
2. Leave me a comment if you are a follower and tell me how you follow (Blogger, Bloglovin, Email, etc.)
Contest will close on December 13th at 8 PM EST (5 PM PST) and the winner will be announced shortly thereafter! The winnings will be sent out as soon as I get addresses from the winners!
(While you're here, check out the Starburst Quilt Along hosted in conjunction with Honey, Bunny, and Doll Patterns! There is still plenty of time to participate -- and anyone who finishes their blocks by January 15th will get free setting directions for a wall hanging or a throw sized quilt!)
Good luck and go enter all of the giveaways at Sew Mama Sew!

Pick a star, any star and I love it!
ReplyDeleteI love hidden nine patches.
ReplyDeleteI follow on feedly
ReplyDeleteI follow via the old reader
ReplyDeleteI like scrappy quilt blocks the best. i'm still new to quilting so I like being able to be random and its okay.
ReplyDeleteI recently tried the churn dash block and now I'm a huge fan! Thanks for hosting a great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower through bloglovin:)
ReplyDeleteI made a carpenters wheel and really like it (just squares and hst's).
ReplyDeleteI love the Bear Paw. There is a great tutorial on Moda Bake Shop (http://www.modabakeshop.com/2010/01/vintage-inspired-bear-paw-quilt.html). Thanks for the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI follow on Google Friend Connect.
ReplyDeleteRight now, I am enjoying the broken herringbone http://www.play-crafts.com/blog/tutorials/broken-herringbone-block/
ReplyDeleteIt's a lovely way to use scraps. kmcassie@gmail.com
I follow via email. kmcassie@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteMy favorite block is cathedral windows. I have a tutorial on my blog www.quiltingfiesta.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteI already follow on bloglovin
ReplyDeleteI really don't have a favorite - as long as everything lines up and it's square - it's my favorite! I did love making a Cathedral Window pillow for my mom last Christmas. Tricky and challenging but also quite rewarding. Thanks for the chance!
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower of yours! Thanks for the chance!
ReplyDeleteI have always loved pinwheels. I also recently made a disappearing four patch quilt and loved that too. Thanks for a great giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI follow with Bloglovin.
ReplyDeleteI would love to be a winner! I am participating in your QAL and I just love the blocks :). I think whichever block I am working on at the moment is my favourite.
ReplyDeleteYesterday I saw another great block at http://fabricsandflowers.blogspot.ca/2013/12/make-mini-quilt.html that I plan to use in a quilt for my nephew and his wife.
I like making scrappy blocks (can we say 'lazy'?!) and my new favorite quilt is the rag quilt I made this weekend -- so easy and fast and I loved the result! :)
ReplyDeleteI just love making crazy quilts, so do not have a specific block pattern :) Many thanks for this great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI'm your follower via bloglovin!
ReplyDeleteI love Log Cabin blocks. The green bundle is beautiful, thanks for the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteHmmm. I am a new quilter so I don't have a favorite yet, but I like the looks of the log cabins.
ReplyDeleteI love nine-patches best, they are so versatile. Thanks for the chance.
ReplyDeleteRight now it is anything to do with a mariners compass or compass rose.
ReplyDeleteI love scrap patch :D
ReplyDeleteI love churn dash!
ReplyDeleteI'm a big fan of pretty much any star block, maybe especially a good ol' wonky star!
ReplyDeleteOne of my fav block is log cabin but also love anything with stars.Thanks for the chance!
ReplyDeleteI follow you using The Old Reader!
ReplyDeleteI love Drunkard's path because its so versatile.
I love star blocks! Thanks for the chance!
ReplyDeleteThe Log Cabin block was the very first block I made and it is still a favorite because it is so versatile. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI love the 12" star block with a 6" center =)
ReplyDeleteI love most anything with HSTs. thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteGosh, picking is so hard to do, I've made some pretty fun paper pieced blocks, but as far as traditional blocks probably sister's choice.
ReplyDeleteI have to say log cabin. the scrappier the better
ReplyDeleteI really like scrappy quilt blocks! I love using up my scraps!
ReplyDeleteI love pinwheels. Big, little, on point or however, they are just happy to me. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI follow you with Bloglovin and email!
ReplyDeletemy favorite quilt block is half square triangle. it is one of the most versitile blocks. babscorbitt@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteLove the greens and the browns. My favourite block is the disappearing nine patch. Thanks for the chance to win.
I follow you via email.
I love scrap packs! My favorite block would be any star - wonky or not :) Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI follow through Bloglovin'
ReplyDeleteI love the complexity of paper pieced stars but it's too fiddly for me to use much! Any simple pieced star works for me! annesimonot@sasktel.net
ReplyDeleteWonky log cabin! Love them
ReplyDeleteI follow through GFC
ReplyDeleteThe log cabin block probably. Thanks for a chance to win! julia(dot)glotova(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteI'm new enough not to have a favorite. I really like the cathedral windows though.
ReplyDeleteI love simplicity... Four patches, nine patches and log cabins
ReplyDeleteCathedral Windows. One of these days I will get back to making them.
Camille's swoon block - still haven't started mine yet. Thanks for the give away!
ReplyDeleteFollower via Bloglovin
I love the Jacob's Ladder block!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love a nice simple 9 patch block. Thanks
ReplyDeleteI'm still on a chevron kick, so this tuorialt: http://myquiltinfatuation.blogspot.com/2013/09/easy-peasy-chevron-quilt-tutorial.html
ReplyDeleteThanks for a great giveaway. I love doing EPP so the hexagon is my favourite.
something simple to look at...like the 9 Patch. Thanks for the giveaway! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net
ReplyDeleteAnother blogger posted up a quilt that she made her mother. She called it a Church Window quilt, it is like a Cathedral Window but not quite. It was such a gorgeous quilt that people requested that she make a tutorial for it. http://www.bloglovin.com/frame?post=1986194251&blog=4746139&link=aHR0cDovL2NyYWZ0eXJlc29sdXRpb25zLmNvbS8yMDEzLzEyLzAxL2NodXJjaC1xdWlsdC10dXRvcmlhbC8&frame_type=fb
ReplyDeleteI love the Pinwheel block!! Thanks for the chance, each bundle looks awesome!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite block is the Churn Dash. I haven't made one yet, but maybe in the new year.
ReplyDeleteI am following you via Bloglovin' - thanks for another chance!!
ReplyDeleteI love hidden nine patch!
ReplyDeleteI follow you through Blogger.
ReplyDeleteI'm such a new quilter I don't even know the names of the patterns I've made, but I'm about to make a quilt with the hidden 9 patch so that's my current favourite
ReplyDeleteI follow on bloglovin
ReplyDeleteThe churn dash is an all time favourite sort of .. and I doubt you will need a tutorial for that one ...
ReplyDeleteMy favorites are the Dresden plate blocks and the hexi flower blocks. Thank you for the chance to enter your giveaway.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is new to me. Now following via GFC & Bloglovin
ReplyDeleteI am new to quilting so haven't tried many blocks. I do like the look of the New York Beauty though
ReplyDeleteI'm a sucker for the traditional Log Cabin block :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite block is the sawtooth star. I could make quilts upon quilts with that block! Here's a video tutorial for it on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q35u60JOrj8 Thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteI love log cabins blocks and I love this quilt as you go one!
I follow w/ GFC
ReplyDeletelately I have been eyeing the star blocks but have not made one yet. Maybe you could tell me a good place to look for a star block.
I love flying geese blocks, still can't get the hang of it but I keep trying.
ReplyDeleteI love a nine patch, especially wonky ones! Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite quilt block today is a Dresden Plate.
ReplyDeleteI am a happy new follower via GFC
ReplyDeleteMy favorite would probably be the nine patch. I haven't ventured out of simple squares yet but hope to be braver this coming year.
ReplyDeleteI follow you with Bloglovin
ReplyDeletei did a baby quilt with calilico day at the zoo (http://www.sewing.org/files/project/day_at_zoo_quilt.pdf), with all the animals in the same fabric that i really liked. Thanks for participating!
ReplyDeleteI've been really wanting to try Patchwork Wheel block (http://www.dontcallmebetsy.com/2012/03/patchwork-wheel-block-tutorial.html)!
ReplyDeleteI usually don't follow patterns. Because I love scrappy! But if you haven't already check out 15 Minutes of Play. My favorite kind of quilting.
ReplyDelete9 patch is my all time favorite!
ReplyDelete9 patches are my favorite - love them in any form! Thanks for a wonderful giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower via GFC/Feedly.
ReplyDeleteI like the braided star block: www.add-crafter.com/2012/04/basketweave-braid-star-block/
ReplyDeleteI love log cabins - especially ones that are a little lopsided! Thanks for the chance!
ReplyDeleteLog cabin or wonky star!
ReplyDeleteI love the look of cathedral quilts!
ReplyDeleteAny kind of star block is my favorite.
ReplyDeleteI cannot live without the hst! Everything is possible with that one little patch :)
ReplyDeleteI love using Filminthefridge's scrap tutorial for scrap busting, its also relaxing to me.
ReplyDeleteI love pinwheels!
ReplyDeleteI love log cabin blocks (as a beginner they are really hard to mess up!) but also love hexagon quilts! I'm working on a miniature hegaxon quilt now (so many teeny tiny pieces!)
ReplyDeleteI love chevron patterns and churn dash blocks!
ReplyDeleteI love the wonky star block. Was my first (not first finished, but first begun) quilt ever! http://www.craftyhour.com/2013/05/wonky-stars-finished.html
ReplyDeleteI follow on bloglovin already! :)
HI, love the Friendship Star+have made it many times>love it!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your neat giveaway!
I really like 60-degree triangles right now (http://quilting.about.com/od/rotarycuttingskills/ss/cutting_shapes_5.htm)
ReplyDeleteI love any fun paper-piece blocks! They're tough but so worth it!
ReplyDeleteI like stars - I don't know the name of any of them though!!
ReplyDeleteI love Friendship stars. Thanks for the giveaway and Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteI like the Chevron. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI love star blocks. Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome prize. Linda
ReplyDeleteI know it's not modern, but I really like the pinwheel. Something about it just screams summer fun to me.
ReplyDeleteI love making wonky stars with scraps!
ReplyDeletedisappearing 4 patch
ReplyDeleteMy favorite block is the hunter's star.
ReplyDeleteMariners compass. 24Tangent@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteMy favorite quilt block is Dresden Plate. Thank you for the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI'm new to quilting, but I think it's called Log Cabin (square with rectangles around it to make a larger square)
My favourite quilt block is Grandmother's Flower Garden.
ReplyDeleteI follow via BLoglovin (Pippirose)
ReplyDeleteI just finished the roller rink quilt by Elizabeth Hanson, and I loved that block.
ReplyDeleteI do love a Log Cabin block -- so versatile!
ReplyDeleteI don't know the names of many quilt blocks. I would say log cabin because that's the only one I could think of. But really I like to work with HSTs... pinwheels and chevrons and other fun shapes!
ReplyDeleteI really like Mariner's Compass. Thanks for the lovely giveaway
ReplyDeleteGFC follower & email subscriber
ReplyDeleteThere is so many but I am starting to like the new simple quilts. Thanks for a chance to win that beautiful fabric.
ReplyDeleteLove the Churn Dash!
ReplyDeleteI cant get enough of paper pieced stars. I have a bunch saved on my Craftsy account, and I hope to work through them all, even though I have no solid plan for them once they are done
ReplyDeleteRight now I'm loving the Rolling Stone block! Fun giveaway!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite at the time is the 10 minute block. I am using it to make a blue jean quilt for a dear friend.
ReplyDeleteI follow you on Bloglovin
ReplyDeletestar blocks are my favorite, thanks!
ReplyDeleteI follow you by email.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite block is the split nine patch.
ReplyDeleteScrappy log cabins. So rustic and granny-chic.
ReplyDeleteI really like star blocks. Thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteblogloving follower
ReplyDeleteI love the star clock here - so giant one block is the whole quilt - http://www.incolororder.com/2013/04/scrappy-star-quilt-tutorial.html
ReplyDeleteI like disappearing 9 patch and 4 patch blocks. Of course I like scraps. Thanks for the chance.
ReplyDeleteI like pinwheel.
ReplyDeleteHmmm, I really like the dresden block
ReplyDeleteVERY new to quilting so I don't have a favorite yet.
ReplyDeleteI love the Dresden!
ReplyDeleteNow following on Bloglovin!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite quilt block is a log cabin. It is such a nice way to use up scraps and it is not too fussy (no matching corners which I am not great at.)
ReplyDeleteI have to try the spin cycle block. It looks like so much fun!
ReplyDeleteI follow you with bloglovin
ReplyDeleteI love all star quilts!
ReplyDeleteCarpenter's Square!
ReplyDeleteI recently made one swoon block and loved it.
ReplyDeleteMy all time favorite quilt block is the Log Cabin and all its variations.
ReplyDeleteI follow via email.
ReplyDeleteA great quilt block tut...Multiples of Three:
I follow via email.
ReplyDeleteright now I love traditional blocks such as log cabin and churn dash.
ReplyDeleteI'm new to quilting and sewing, so I don't have a favorite..yet!
ReplyDeleteI'm now following you via bloglovin.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite quilt block (that I can make) is the Dresden Plate. My goal "favorite quilt block" is the New York Beauty - in 2014!
ReplyDeleteI follow you with blog lovin.' Happy holidays!
ReplyDeleteRight now it is Vintage in Camille Roskelly's Simply Retro book :)
ReplyDeleteI follow via email!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to go with Dresdin today
ReplyDeleteI follow via bloglovin=-ksmith8@emich.edu Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI love log cabin quilts. Your fabric stashes are awesome! Thanks for participating in the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy a simple log cabin, but who doesn't?
ReplyDeleteI am a huge paper piece fanatic. I simply can't get enough. My current Bee block one is a PP of Road to Fortune.
ReplyDeleteI am also a new follower with Bloglovin :)
ReplyDeleteI also love the log cabin block , thanks for the chance, I am now following by bloglovin.
ReplyDeleteI can never resist a scrap bag! I'd love to win one! My favorite block is Sister's Choice. I haven't done a tutorial, but Fat Quarter Shop has a great one on YouTube.
ReplyDeletedezertsuz at gmail
My favorite blog has always been the Ohio star.
ReplyDeleteI follow you through google friends.
ReplyDeleteIt would have to be a Feathered Star block.
ReplyDeleteI love Dresden Plates, the curves and how you can mix and match colours.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the chance to win your generous giveaway.
I follow via email.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the chance to win your generous giveaway.
I've always loved the classic Bear's Paw. Those scraps look fun- thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteI have been loving the herringbone pattern the best!
ReplyDeletejessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
I love Garden Windows.
ReplyDeleteRight now I'm crazy about Jacob's Ladder.
ReplyDeleteI follow you via GFC.
ReplyDeleteDisappearing nine patch I would have to say. I like who easy and quick it goes together and makes a great quilt!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite block is Storm at Sea. Thanks for the chance to win
ReplyDeleteI follow you with GFC! Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI'm not a quilter so I don't even know any quilt block names, but that fabric is lovely! :)
ReplyDeleteFollowing with BL
ReplyDeleteThe next one I want to try is the Cat-along series that Oh Fransson has going on right now: http://www.ohfransson.com/oh_fransson/ Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite block is Block 73 of Tula Pink's City Sampler - http://bit.ly/1aQgYmu
ReplyDeleteFavo block is scrappy patchwork where you close your eyes and take from your scraps, sew any which way!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite quilt block is the 9 patch. It was the first quilt I ever made at age 10. I asked all the neighbor ladies for fabric, I cut and pieced it with a little help from my mom and then my dad built a quilt frame for me. My whole family got involved and my parents and both my brothers even quilted on it. I still have the quilt and it is now 50 years old.
Churn dash
ReplyDeleteChevrons! And i have yet to make one, but I'm so scared of them! I will do it this coming year, for sure!! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI follow you on Feedly
ReplyDeleteI followed the Bee in my Bonnet quilt along for my first ever quilt, and I love the bee block label on it!
I love this fun holly block I saw on FB--thought I save the link, but can't find it! :(
ReplyDeleteI follow via GFC
ReplyDeleteI love some many blocks it is hard to pick just one. I guess I would go with any Star block as my favorite
ReplyDeleteI like the flying geese
ReplyDeleteAt the moment it's the herringbone. Thanks for a chance to win
ReplyDeleteI love the log cabin and courthouse steps blocks. I am subscribed by email.
Patch work
ReplyDeleteI follow you~
ReplyDeleteI like Log Cabin blocks.
ReplyDeleteScraps never go out of style! My favorite block is Dresden Plate. Thanks for the chance to win!