
Monday, March 18, 2019

Daisy Chain QAL {Unit B}

Update 8/11/2020 -- This pattern is now available in our Etsy and Payhip shops. Please visit one of those sites to purchase the full pattern.

Ready to do more sewing?

This week we are making four patches that have one background square and three coordinating fabric squares. These units can be as scrappy or as controlled as your heart desires!

For my baby sized quilt, I used the "stub" from week 1 to make the colored/background half of my four patches. Here are both piles of four patches together:

For my second quilt, I pulled strips from my strip pack of Flea Market to make enough four patches for my twin sized version. 

Block Units - March 18th <--- That's today!
Top Construction Part 2 - May 20th
Link up/giveaways/quilt parade starts: June 3rd
Link up/giveaways/quilt parade ends: June 17th


  1. Awesome. I hope to have mine done and posted later today.

  2. Both sets of 4-patches turned out beautifully. This has been a fun and easy paced mystery. I'm ready for clue 3.

  3. I still have no idea where this mystery is headed! Thanks for a fun so along.


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