
Friday, March 15, 2019

Scrappy Christmas {New Project}

I resisted as long as I was able! My husband bought me Bonnie Hunter's Addicted to Scraps book for my birthday last June, had I had yet to start a project from it. In cleaning and sorting my scraps following our move, I decided that I wanted to make my own version of the Jingle Bell Square quilt from that book.

As the name suggests, the quilt is a scrappy Christmas quilt. I have a number of different Christmas quilts but I don't have one big enough for my bed.

Without going into block construction too much, the quilt requires red blocks and green blocks. I cut some of the parts using my Accuquilt Go! cutter and dies. I decided that I would make small batches of blocks.

In my first batch of blocks, I ended up with five full blocks -- three red and two green -- and some block parts sewn and set aside for future blocks.

Making these blocks is NOT fast. I am a person that prefers to make HSTs and QSTs that I can trim to the correct size so making the smaller size of QSTs for these blocks take a while to make and trim. However, unlike my Double Delight quilt that was last spring's scrap project, it makes more sense to make each block one at a time rather than to make all of the units step by step. Well, I guess it makes sense in my head, since it makes it easier to start and stop on this project.

Sharing at Oh Scrap!


  1. Bonnie's quilts are rarely a quick quilt! So many little pieces in each block, but they do make beautiful quilts!!

  2. I love the mix of prints you are using. This will look great all put together.

  3. These are so cute! I love the design and the fun xmas colors!

  4. Looks like you got a good start on those scrappy blocks. Sometimes you just have to chase a squirrel or two during the year. It keeps the time in the sewing room interesting. Have fun picking the combinations for your new blocks.


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