
Monday, December 31, 2012

100 Day Hustle Wrap Up

The 100 Day Hustle has come to a close and now it is time to see how much we all actually got done! I definitely didn't get as much done as I might have hoped, but progress is progress sometimes.

1. Twist of Lime Quilt: Binding
COMPLETED: September 26th and entered in the Bloggers' Quilt Festival and nominated in the Bed Quilt category!!!

2. Argyle Quilt: Finish all the blocks, put the top together, quilt myself, binding
As of October 15th: All blocks are done, picked up the setting fabric, need to start sewing into rows.
As of December 31st: I haven't touched this in almost two months. Whoops.

3. Snowflake quilt: Sew on hanging sleeve
COMPLETED: October 27th and hung up in my dining room!

4. Civil War quilt: hand quilt and bind
As of December 31st: I have almost two rows completed and I think I am finally in the "hand quilting" mindset for a while.

5. Christmas tree skirt to gift: everything
COMPLETED: October 21st and delivered!

6. Olympic Rail Fence: Quilt and bind
COMPLETED: October 25th and given to a sweet snuggly little boy!

7. Baby Quilt(s) for friends: Everything -- Need to make two of them
As of December 31st: I kind of failed on this. These were quilts I was debating about and now I have a couple baby quilts that I really have to make for babies in the spring.

8. Blitzen Jelly Roll Christmas Quilt with Basket Case Pattern: Everything
As of December 31st: I cut background squares but that's about it. This one will be a Christmas quilt next year.

9. Shoe Quilt: quilting and binding
As of November 23rd: I took this baby home to have my mom free motion quilt it.

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everyone! I am home in Michigan for a whole week (!!!!) and we will hopefully start marathon sewing tomorrow! Have a wonderful day with your families and hopefully your stockings are full of fat quarters!

Park Ranger Boyfriend and I LOVE Christmas. 

Friday, December 21, 2012

December Stash Bee Block

This month in Hive 4 of the Stash Bee, Debbie requested a machine applique block with owls. I had never done any machine applique before this request.

Armed with my roll of Wonder Under, Wednesday night I practiced my satin stitching (like a boss) around some scrappy pieces left over from my NY beauty quilt while I watched The Avengers. I almost didn't turn my machine off because the settings were just right.

Thursday night (while I packed to leave to go home for Christmas vacation) I made my happy little owl block. I adapted my pattern from some clip art that I found. Here are some in progress shots:

And here is the finished little guy:

Hopefully he'll be sent off today or Saturday. I'm leaving today to go to Ohio and then on to Michigan on Sunday while doing my best to avoid the snowstorm. Merry Christmas to all!

Linking up with Plum and June!
  Plum and June

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Finished NY Beauty Top

I finished up my half blocks last night and spent a lot of time moving blocks around so that the same colors weren't too close together. More than once all of the maroon fabrics ended up in the top half or just two rows. It's kind of complicated to achieve the look of random without a little bit of planning in advance. Kind of a paradox.

Enough with my rambling, here is the finished top:

I'm so excited about finishing this one up! I'm not sure if this one needs borders or not because it is already 48 by 64 inches. Things go a LOT faster when you make bigger blocks!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

New York Beauty layout

I've made a few more blocks for my New York Beauty Quilt and here is the layout:

Have a wonderful Tuesday and check out what everyone else is up to at...

Fresh Poppy Design

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

WIP Wednesday: More Slow Progress

With Park Ranger Boyfriend here last week and my parents here this past weekend, not a whole lot of sewing has gotten done with the exception of a significant amount of hand quilting on Park Ranger Boyfriend's Civil War quilt. Almost a whole row across is done!

7 more rows and the borders to go...

I've also been working on a test pattern for a friend...don't want to give it away, but here is some of my progress so far:

And finally, I'm on the search for some wood grain fabric to finish up the Harry Potter quilt for my sister. If anyone could help point me in the right direction that would be fantastical!

Don't forget to enter to win my Quilting Gallery blog hop giveaway!

Linking up with:
  WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Quilting Gallery Blog Hop Giveaway

This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to all who entered!

This week is the 5th birthday of the Quilting Gallery and to celebrate they have put together a blog hop of more than 150 blogs doing giveaways this week!

Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways

Since it was well received last time, I am going to give away another 50 charm squares from my collection. If there are more than 250 entries I will give away another 25 charms!
Update: As of Thursday morning, we have over 130 entries! Keep them coming!

One entry per person this time around and in your comment, tell me about what you would do if you had a snow day tomorrow--no work, no school, no restrictions!

Best of luck and please visit the rest of the blogs here starting Monday!!

This giveaway will close Saturday December 15th at 5 PM!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

WIP Wednesday: Feeling Festive

Happy WIP Wednesday! This past weekend, I finished up the last of the blocks of the Harry Potter Project of Doom quilt for my sister and last night I sewed all of the blocks into rows.

Now to start searching for appropriate "bookcase" material to sash the rows together and use as borders.

I also made a batch of these mint chocolate chip cookies. They turned out delicious. And GREEN.

And if you haven't entered yet, check out my Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day post and givewaway!

Linking up with Freshly Pieced!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Monday, December 3, 2012

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day Charm Square Giveaway

Giveaway is currently closed. Thanks to all who entered!

Hello everybody and welcome to my FIRST giveaway ever as a part of Sew, Mama, Sew! Giveaway Day!!

I'm Alison and I have been quilting for almost 10 years and I'm currently a full time graduate student in Chemistry -- quilting is like therapy for me! I have been blogging here at Little Bunny quilts since August 2011, and have loved "getting to know" so many of my fellow bloggers, especially my fellow scientists! So poke around and maybe you'll like what you see here or at least I'll make you laugh a little.

1. Nubees Blocks - August 2. Cheery Quilt 3. Christmas Napkins
4. Batik Placemats 5. Nubee's Block  - July 6. Snowflake Quilt
7. Seville Quilt 8. Mystery Quilt 9. Teacup quilt 

I did a charm square swap over the summer and ended up with two spots so I ended up with A LOT of 5" squares and so you have the chance to win 50 of them!

You'll receive 50 lovely charms to add to your stash!

AND if more then 250 entries are received, I will add a second prize of 25 charms!
UPDATE: Second prize of 25 charms will be given!! I hope you're feeling lucky!

The giveaway will be open until 5 PM PST (8 PM EST) FRIDAY DECEMBER 7th, and I will announce the winner the next morning! I am willing to ship internationally!

To Enter:

For one entry: Tell me about the state of your holiday decorating if you are doing any this year. I have my tree up, but it's not decorated yet!

For a second entry: be an old or new follower of Little Bunny Quilts and say "I'm a _____ follower" and fill in the blank with something creative. Wow me, people!
UPDATE: And I will be verifying this! Don't think you can trick me.

Have fun checking out all of the Sew, Mama, Sew! giveaways this week!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hello, December!

24 more days until Christmas!!

I finally got back into the groove of sewing this week and got a few more Harry Potter blocks done. Here are the newly finished from while I was at home and this past week:

The sorting hat and the crest are very exciting cute. Using fabrics with gold foil and glitter was an excellent choice for this project. Bringing home more fabric from mom's scrap bin was also another excellent idea.

I also bought some more white on white prints while I was at home to use with my scrap projects and have made a few more scrappy basket blocks:

Now to start cleaning up this place so I can put up my Christmas tree this weekend!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mark your calendars....

I'm planning to participate in BOTH the Sew, Mama, Sew! Giveaway Day AND the Quilting Gallery Blog Hop over the next few weeks!!

Sew, Mama, Sew! Giveaway Day starts December 3rd and runs the whole week! Last giveaway day I won prizes from 2 different blogs! That's pretty exciting for someone who never wins contests.

The Quilting Gallery 5th Anniversary Blog Hop Party starts December 9th and runs the rest of the week.

Anyone else planning to participate? Any ideas on what to do for the giveaway? Anyone going to spend all day every day of those weeks entering all of the giveaways? I will!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Holiday Happenings

Happy belated Thanksgiving, everyone! I have been on the road and visiting family, so yesterday was the first day that I got any sewing done since this weekend!

I was lucky enough to email Danny at just the right moment and filled an open spot in the Stash Bee in Hive 4! This month's Hive Mama was Jess of sewcraftyjess and she requested these fun string type blocks. They are so easy to make and GREAT stash buster blocks! I even had some blue and orange striped fabric that fits in perfectly.

Did you guess what my secret project was? If you guessed the Harry Potter Project of Doom, you would be correct! My sister did guess correctly and she loves her blocks! I am more than halfway done with all of the blocks already. 

The general consensus is that Hedwig the Owl is my mom and sister's favorite block so far. Off to paper piece some more until I have to leave to go back to Park Ranger Boyfriend's tonight!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

WIP Wednesday: Stitch by Stitch

I have not been very productive as of late, which is rather depressing. I did hem a pair of pants for a lab mate, but even that was done somewhat jank-ily.

The one thing that I have been working on (finally!) is the hand quilting on Park Ranger Boyfriend's Civil War quilt. It's going slowly, because there really isn't another way to hand quilt, is there? Maybe its just me?

Either way, slow progress is better than zero progress. I made up this handy dandy little picture-tracker-thingy in MS Powerpoint to show what I've gotten done. I'm very proud of myself. Until I realize how little I have done at this point. Yikes.

And in other news, less than one week until I get to go to see Park Ranger Boyfriend and from there GO HOME!!! Hoooooooooray. This girl needs a break.

Linking up with WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Just Keep Stitching

On Friday I received the fabric that I won from The Quilting Lodge and now I can't wait to find a pattern to use it with!

Yesterday, after feeling icky and watching Scrubs all afternoon, I took the plunge and started the hand quilting on Park Ranger Boyfriend's Civil War quilt:

I'm going to try to stitch on it at least a half hour every day so I can actually get it done before Christmas!

Here's to a few more hours of weekend left!

Friday, November 9, 2012

100 Day Hustle Update: Halfway There!

We are halfway through the 100 Day Hustle Hosted by Kelsey of Kelsey Sews! I am so excited how many things on my list that have been completed in this short amount of time! And to make it even more exciting, there are PRIZES involved!

1. Twist of Lime Quilt: Binding
COMPLETED: September 26th and entered in the Bloggers' Quilt Festival and nominated in the Bed Quilt category!!!

2. Argyle Quilt: Finish all the blocks, put the top together, quilt myself, binding
As of October 15th: All blocks are done, picked up the setting fabric, need to start sewing into rows.

3. Snowflake quilt: Sew on hanging sleeve
COMPLETED: October 27th and hung up in my dining room!

4. Civil War quilt: hand quilt and bind
As of October 23rd: backing, batting, and top are layered and ready to hand quilt!

5. Christmas tree skirt to gift: everything
COMPLETED: October 21st, other than putting ties on it (didn't think of that until after it was done! Oops!)

6. Olympic Rail Fence: Quilt and bind
COMPLETED: October 25th and given to a sweet snuggly little boy!

7. Baby Quilt(s) for friends: Everything -- Need to make two of them
As of October 25th, patterns sort of picked out, have charm squares from swap, might actually need to make another one... TBA

8. Blitzen Jelly Roll Christmas Quilt with Basket Case Pattern: Everything
As of October 17th: started to cut some of the solid white background fabric squares

9. Shoe Quilt: quilting and binding
No progress

Check out what everybody else has gotten done in the last 50 days!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pin Cushion

Last week, I made this pin cushion using a scaled down version of the flying geese in a circle:

It's kind of large, but now my loose pins have a home.

I also received the two sets of charm squares from the What Was I Thinking? Swap. I keep going through them all and sorting and resorting them into different piles.