
Monday, December 31, 2012

100 Day Hustle Wrap Up

The 100 Day Hustle has come to a close and now it is time to see how much we all actually got done! I definitely didn't get as much done as I might have hoped, but progress is progress sometimes.

1. Twist of Lime Quilt: Binding
COMPLETED: September 26th and entered in the Bloggers' Quilt Festival and nominated in the Bed Quilt category!!!

2. Argyle Quilt: Finish all the blocks, put the top together, quilt myself, binding
As of October 15th: All blocks are done, picked up the setting fabric, need to start sewing into rows.
As of December 31st: I haven't touched this in almost two months. Whoops.

3. Snowflake quilt: Sew on hanging sleeve
COMPLETED: October 27th and hung up in my dining room!

4. Civil War quilt: hand quilt and bind
As of December 31st: I have almost two rows completed and I think I am finally in the "hand quilting" mindset for a while.

5. Christmas tree skirt to gift: everything
COMPLETED: October 21st and delivered!

6. Olympic Rail Fence: Quilt and bind
COMPLETED: October 25th and given to a sweet snuggly little boy!

7. Baby Quilt(s) for friends: Everything -- Need to make two of them
As of December 31st: I kind of failed on this. These were quilts I was debating about and now I have a couple baby quilts that I really have to make for babies in the spring.

8. Blitzen Jelly Roll Christmas Quilt with Basket Case Pattern: Everything
As of December 31st: I cut background squares but that's about it. This one will be a Christmas quilt next year.

9. Shoe Quilt: quilting and binding
As of November 23rd: I took this baby home to have my mom free motion quilt it.

Happy New Year!


  1. Lovely job!! I've said it before and I'll say it again = I love that twist of lime!!

  2. Your quilts look great. The Twist of Lime is really fun. The patchwork tree skirt is great, too! Congrats on getting so much done

  3. Wow, lovely quilts and so much work when doing all that hand quilting. Your tree quilt is lovely... perhaps I should make one but it would have to be three one for me and one each for my sisters!

  4. My my. . what a great list and finishes! Awesome job!

  5. Ooh, that argyle quilt is lovely! I can't wait to see it all together!

  6. Wow you accomplished a lot! Everything is so pretty. : )


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