
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Finished NY Beauty Top

I finished up my half blocks last night and spent a lot of time moving blocks around so that the same colors weren't too close together. More than once all of the maroon fabrics ended up in the top half or just two rows. It's kind of complicated to achieve the look of random without a little bit of planning in advance. Kind of a paradox.

Enough with my rambling, here is the finished top:

I'm so excited about finishing this one up! I'm not sure if this one needs borders or not because it is already 48 by 64 inches. Things go a LOT faster when you make bigger blocks!


  1. Gorgeous!! You should be very proud of this one.

  2. Wow! Very nice! And I know what you mean about all the rearranging to make it look random - it seems to take forever! :)

  3. Your NYB is beautiful. I know what you mean about moving blocks around to achieve balance. It's a bit like dominoes falling. When you move one you have to move another... Well done. I personally always put on a border because in my head that is how it is 'supposed' to be. I am a bit OCD. Go for the freedom of leaving it without borders.

  4. Gorgeous! You really did a spectacular job! It's a stunning quilt.


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