
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

WIP Wednesday: Feeling Festive

Happy WIP Wednesday! This past weekend, I finished up the last of the blocks of the Harry Potter Project of Doom quilt for my sister and last night I sewed all of the blocks into rows.

Now to start searching for appropriate "bookcase" material to sash the rows together and use as borders.

I also made a batch of these mint chocolate chip cookies. They turned out delicious. And GREEN.

And if you haven't entered yet, check out my Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day post and givewaway!

Linking up with Freshly Pieced!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Where did you find your HP patterns? The more I look at yours, the more I want to add it to my growning list of future projects :)

  2. What a neat quilt!! And mint choc chip - sign me up :)

  3. I love love love that quilt!!!! I love the books!!!!

  4. I can't believe how great your bookcase turned out! I just finished blogging about the very same thing, how's that for coincidence!

  5. I am in love with that quilt. No really, I mean it. And I have a birthday coming up and I would LOVE to have that quilt (or one really really close to it!) for my 25th. Soooo, how much would one of those beauties cost? It would be awesome if *ahem* one of my parents or sibling could place an order with you :) Lemme know! And Merry Christmas Alison!

  6. What a fun Harry Potter project!

  7. What fun your Harry Potter quilt is! Adorable.

  8. Really great project, I love it.

  9. Your quilt is amazing! And all those other blocks on the link, wow!

  10. Yummy looking cookies! My sister would die for your quilt!
    Btw - found you from the giveaway, am a new follower XD

  11. Hey! I just found your blog via googling Harry Potter quilt - I'm thinking about starting the bookcase aka project of doom! Yours looks amazing - I can't imagine how long it must have taken. I noticed you might be from the Detroit area? I grew up in Livonia (where all of my family live) but have since moved to Holland. Anyways, just wanted to say hello to a fellow quilter and Harry Potter lover! :)


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