
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Quilting Gallery Blog Hop Giveaway

This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to all who entered!

This week is the 5th birthday of the Quilting Gallery and to celebrate they have put together a blog hop of more than 150 blogs doing giveaways this week!

Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways

Since it was well received last time, I am going to give away another 50 charm squares from my collection. If there are more than 250 entries I will give away another 25 charms!
Update: As of Thursday morning, we have over 130 entries! Keep them coming!

One entry per person this time around and in your comment, tell me about what you would do if you had a snow day tomorrow--no work, no school, no restrictions!

Best of luck and please visit the rest of the blogs here starting Monday!!

This giveaway will close Saturday December 15th at 5 PM!


  1. I'm home with a newborn, snow or no snow. Maybe I'd add hot chocolate.

  2. If tomorrow was a snow day I would get my mom and dad's quilt sandwiched and quilted. However, this is not likely because it is not suppose to snow anywhere in our 10 day forecast and most days are in the 40's. I live in PA and I am shocked-I hope we have it for Christmas!!

  3. If I had a snow day tomorrow, I wouldn't have to take my Chemistry final! It's very unlikely but I can dream about it. I would probably spend the day sewing and I would drink some hot chocolate.

  4. Since it appears that tomorrow WILL be a snow day here, I plan to sew and finish my Christmas cards. There may be time to wrap some gifts too. I love snow days.

  5. I would catch up on all the PBS quilting shows I have recorded and hand sew binding all day. Oh how I wish we could get even a flake.

  6. I would sleep in and then work on finishing all of my Christmas sewing projects

  7. I would sleep late and spend the day sewing!

  8. Build a fire and snuggle under a quilt -- or a pile of 'em!

  9. Snow days are pretty rare here in Queensland, Australia.
    If I could chuck a sickie tomorrow (ie call in to work with a feigned illness) I would definately be sewing. Christmas is coming and presents need to get made!
    If it did snow I'd be outside making snowmen and snow angels and having snow ball fights and... whatever else you cold climate people do! lol

  10. A snow day would be heaven. Work is really interfering with my completing (who am I kidding ... STARTING) all the Christmas gifts I planned on making. So that's what I would be doing. I won't hold my breath, though. Snow days are very rare in Saskatchewan where driving to work through the thick of a blizzard is expected.

  11. I will be taking care of a newborn but if we had snow I would definitely get my toddler out to play in it. In SC it is a very rare event!

  12. I would sew and read all day!
    steeplechaser29 at yahoo

  13. With a snow day hmm...I think I'd go sledding and then of course fit in some time to sew, I'm so behind without sewing anything for over three months!

  14. A snow day would be perfect. I'd hurry take a shower and get back into my comfy clothes and go make some Christmas presents that I'm terribly behind on. Thanks for the chance.

  15. We rarely get that much snow but I would have fun crafting with the kids :)

  16. I'd make hot chocolate and get under the covers to watch winter movies with my kids.

  17. Loce the charms!! I would get myself in gear and crank out some Christmas presents!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  18. I'd read a lot since I just went to the library yesterday and also try to finish the scarf I'm making my sister-in-law for Christmas. And make cookies.

  19. I would sit in and sew,sew,sew! thank you for a chance to win.

  20. Ummm, hmmm.... quilt ALL day!! It's funny that you ask because I think that's what I'll end up doing after work all evening anyway.

  21. Since I am 73, every day is a snow day for me. I love staying home and quilting and reading blogs!

  22. I actually have a snow day today! I work at school and it was cancelled. We are finishing decorating and hopefully I will get to do some stitching. Right now I am enjoying extra Monday time reading blogs!

  23. If I had a snow day tomorrow, I would put some Christmas music on and wrap my presents for a while then sew only on something Christmasy, and bake some cookies.

  24. Lots of people here in MN do have a snow day today, but not me. If I did I would build a snowman with my little one and then spend some time cuddling with her.

  25. I'd make myself a cup of coffee and sew!!

  26. I'd sew up a few more zipper pouches for some gifts then (maybe) I'd start trying to organize my fabric stash. Or I'd watch t.v. Probably watch t.v.

  27. If Iweren't fighting this stupid tonsil infection? I'd get going on my Wonky Stars quilt! Thanks for the chance. Great giveaway!

  28. If I had a snow day tomorrow, I would definitely sleep in. But, I have an assignment due on Wednesday, so I would have to do some work! ;)

  29. Since I live in Central California, where it really NEVER snows, I'd spend a snow day playing with my husband, son and dog. I can imagine lots of snowball fights, building snowmen and towing each other around on sleds. We'd top it off with smores and hot chocolate to warm up.

  30. Sleep in and sew... I'm having a snow day today and that's what I'm doing - after I play around on blogs that is...

  31. I'd like to say I'd sew, but probably I'd try to sleep off the cold I've got!

  32. Enjoy my husband being home, maybe read, hopefully bake something like cookies! :-)

  33. get soem DVDs form the library and make a movie day ..

  34. Most days are snow days for me---I'm retired!!!!!

  35. I would spend the day in my favorite sewing room and work on one of my many UFOs!

  36. If I had a snow day tomorrow i'd get on with quilting a quilt for my boy

  37. Unfortunately my work place expects us to get to work, snow or not! I'd probably spend half the day battling through the snow to get to work :0(

  38. Ahhh - I'd love a snow day but since I live where I work (a school) I couldn't use any type of excuse to not go in. I'd be expected to shovel something.... But what I would be mentally doing would be faffing and tidying and playing with fabric and downloading free patterns from all these great blogs and websites!! I would even bake :) Yum!! GREAT GIVEAWAY!!!! Fingers crossed!

  39. If I had a snow day tomorrow... I would finally finish rearranging the living room so I can have a dedicated sewing space. Not being able to leave my machine out has meant no sewing for quite a while now! Thank you for the giveaway - these blog hops are such a fun way to 'meet' other bloggers!

  40. Does no restrictions mean no four year old begging to go play in it? 'Cause if so, I'd sleep late, then I'd play around with my fabric and sewing machine for a bit, then I'd sit curled up in a blanket and read. :)

  41. I would spend the day sewing a project of my own. I haven't been able to do any of my sewing for weeks so it would be a very welcome change!

  42. I would knit something quite easy watching crap TV and the snow.... Thanks for the opportunity!

  43. We don't have any snow yet but if we did I would settled in and hand sew on bindings.
    Thanks for participating.

  44. I'd sleep in, sew, nap, and sew some more :-) That's assuming my family had to go to work and school and I got a snow day to myself ;-)
    ktreve(at) hotmail (dot) com

  45. Since I am retired, every day is a "snow day." In the old days, I'd leap into a project or a good book.

  46. If I had a snow day I would probably spend it downloading wonderful free patterns from the Internet! audiodropzone(at)gmail(dot)com

  47. If I had a snow day, I'd probably spend it doing something crafty and baking.

  48. Oh easy... I'd dye fabric and play with paint and thread while it was batching (ding!)

  49. Fun giveaway thanks!! Snow day tomorrow......stay in my quilt room and quilt all day!

  50. We don't have snow here. But, if it is a raining day. I will sleep and stay at home

  51. oh! If only you could make that happen lol... I would love to have the time to sew something for myself lol...

  52. Não temos neve aqui,mas com este calorão...acho que deitaria nela.seguidora GFC 134 do Brasil.

  53. I would love to have some snow. I would park myself on the couch snuggled under a quilt with a good book.

  54. I would play board games and build lego with my kids (and then maybe get some sewing done in the evening when they are asleep!)

  55. I would sleep in and sew all day to trashy TV.

  56. Hahaha, i'd end up getting caught up on homework. I never get a day off, even when i have one. usually have something i need to do. plus i like to be busy.

  57. If tomorrow was a snow day (Oh How I wish but what little 1/4 inch of snow last night is all we are scheduled to have), I would first build a snowman in the front yard, 23 years old and I still have to do it, and then I would get down to work on my best friend's baby quilt, and my sisters quilt.

  58. If I had no restrictions, I'd sew all day!

  59. If I had a snow day, I would spend it sewing my Christmas gifts. Thanks for the giveaway.

  60. Since we never get snow here I think we would have to have a snow party.

  61. If I had a snow day, I'd stay home and sew all day. Thanks for the opportunity to win your generous giveaway.

  62. If we had a snow day, I would probably curl up with a good book! Thank you for the great giveaway.
    jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net

  63. Winter quilting is the BEST. It's possible to get loads done while keeping warm in the quilting room. Need a break? pick up the latest library book.

  64. If I had a snow day...I'd sew...that's what I do every day already. I'd still choose to sew. I love it!

    pinkscissorsdesign @gmail .com

  65. I'd put supper in the crockpot and stay in my pajamas and read, sew, and watch videos. Thanks for the great giveaway! Merry Christmas!

  66. That's easy! Shut myself in my sewing room and trust the hydro doesn't go off. If it did I could cut up small squares.

  67. If I had a Snow Day...would getthe crockpot makin' Chicken Noodle Soup....make pot of coffee...put CHRISTmas songs in CD player...and sew alllllll day long!! YAY!!

    Thanks for chance to win your Drawing! :)_

  68. Thank you for the chance to win. i would quilt

  69. I would organize my sewing corner, and then sew! We came close to having one today. We Minnesotans are too hardy sometimes.

  70. I am working nights, so I would sleep tomorrow!

    Had to comment that I have a BS in chemistry as does my DIL. She went onto medical school. At that point I taught her to sew/quilt for a stress reliever.

  71. Oh thats so sweet! Well I am home tomorrow anyway, so that means my husband would get the day off work, and we'd stay in and cuddle and watch The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel while eating homemade baked french fries!

  72. I would sit and watch dvds all day

  73. I would quilt of course! ;) Thanks for such an awesome giveaway! Happy Holidays to You! :)

  74. I have a quilt I need to tie. somehow I keep putting it off, I hope I would use my empty day to get that baby done. Thanks.

  75. Life has been catching up with me lately and I am tired of run, run, run! I would sleep the day away!

  76. I would either spend the day under my warm and comfy fleece blanket with my adorable Cavalier King Charles on my lap watching movies or I would spend the day sewing. The choice would be difficult.

    Thank you so much for sharing a give away!

  77. We´ve had snow here for the last two week, so I want do any special :) I don´t like snow. It´s cold and I love warmth!
    Gun, Sweden

  78. Snuggled up with a good book or making progress on my quilty to-dos. Thanks for the giveaway!

  79. Oh wow!! first I think I would snuggle in bed with my favorite book, then backe some chocolate cockies and last work on one of my UFOs.

  80. Love charms!! If I had a snow day I'd sleep in, drink hot chocolate and read a great book!! And then I'd do some crafting!! I'm making fabric postcards for some of my Christmas cards this year!

  81. Snow day long as it was only a snow day for me and not the kids, I would sew something, and sleep.

    If the snow day included the kids, I would try to convince them to snuggle with a movie and popcorn!

  82. I would sleep late, fix a nice pot of vegetable soup, and quilt all day long. Maybe a work on red and beige queen-sized scrap quilt. I like the idea of your giveway of 50 charms. With a little imagination, you can do anything with these charms. Thank you for giving all of your followers a wonderful change to win. Happy Holidays.

    Sandi T.
    Sonora, CA

  83. Well it depends on if the snow knocked out the electric - which often happens! If I had electricity I would sew all day. If not, probably read by flashlight!

  84. I would sew until the machine quit! Thank you.

  85. I would cuddle up in a quilt with my Nook and just ready and enjoy the day! It is so quiet and still when it snows and I just love it!

  86. Snow day = movies, snacks, crafting and naps! I love to watch the snow fall too!!

    sowingstitches [at] gmail [dot] com

  87. I would spend the day in my sewing room! Thanks for this giveaway!

  88. I'd still be cleaning my house. I've been on a mean clean lately. I'm trying to get it beautiful before my son comes home for Christmas.

  89. Sleep! LOL
    I actually have to get up at midnight, to be in to work by 1am to do the donut shift.

  90. I would get up and make a pot of coffee!!! Then quietly walk into my sewing room and close the door. I would spend the day up there!

  91. Alison, I often wish for a snow day but we don't have them here in Alberta. ( we do have lots of snowy days particularly this winter but they don't allow us to have them here in the city). If I did have one I would quilt or bead or knit or do some combination of it. It would be a fun day.
    Regards from Alberta,

  92. A snow day would be fantastic! I would sleep late,watch a movie on T.V., then spend the rest of the day quilting on my quilt. Thank you so much for a great giveaway!

  93. I would spend the day watching Christmas Lifetime Movies and have my sewing machine humming... Thanks for your giveaway

  94. snow day tomorrow = mimosas and some sewing!

  95. If I had a snow day..... with electricity I would quilt! Without i would curl up and read:)

  96. I would work on an I-Spy quilt I have been trying to finish for way too long! Thanks for the giveaway!

  97. That's easy! Finish this weeks Easy Street clue (Quiltville) and my husband's Christmas stocking.

  98. greetings from northern Canada!!!!

    I would work on my new BOM, it's called Scandinavian Rose and involves a lot of hand embroider...I love it!

    Thanks for the chance!

  99. I'd be knitting, I've got a shawl that needs some attention.

  100. i would work on getting the pebbles on my lizard quilt finished

  101. I would enjoy to spend the morning next to the window and marvel outside with a cup of hot choclate in my hands. And I would make a snowman with our youngster in the afternoon.

  102. As the temperature here today was over 100F I think if I had a snow day tomorrow you would find me out in my backyard, naked and rolling around in the snow, cooling off.
    We never get snow where I live so a snow day would be the most exciting thing ever!!!

  103. Thank you for the chance. I would work on some sewing machine covers

  104. A snow day sounds wonderful! I'd catch up on Christmas presents so I could get them mailed now - then I'd have to take my kids sledding!

  105. I would wrap gifts, finish cards and sew! Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

  106. If I had a true snow day, like when I was a kid, I would sleep in, read a book and drink hot chocolate and go for a slow walk in the snow! Oh, I wish I could that on snow days now :)

  107. they promise a snow day tomorrow)

  108. Oh I wish a snow day - Assuming the kids were somewhere else for the day I have a whole bunch of mug rugs I need to get made for teachers gifts etc...

  109. Quilt, of course. Thanks for the opportunity on this draw and have a very Merry Christmas.

  110. Sew alllll day!

  111. Thanks for being part of this fun blog hop. Merry Christmas. If it was a snowy day tomorrow I would stay nice and warm in the house and finish this blog hop. LOL

  112. Well being as we never get snow days. I know what I would be doing. Keep the kids warm with hot chocolate and drying gloves and jackets all day as they played out in the snow. But boy would it be a great lazy fun day for us.

  113. Snow day for me would mean I *might* be able to finish one of the eleventy-seven projects I have going ;)

  114. Hmm...I'm home with my infant, but it would also mean that my husband couldn't go to work. So I'd get to take a long nap. And I wouldn't do my chores. And I'd have a little more sewing time while my husband watches the baby.

  115. No kids?! I would sew the five projects that need completing!

  116. Of course I'd stay home and quilt! Thanks for the chance!

  117. I'd be playing with my daughter. I love staying home on snow days by the fire too.

  118. A snow day, hmmm? I'd hole up in my studio, and sew sew sew! ....thanks for the chance to win!

  119. I'd sew sew sew! I'd start a new quilt! :) However, then my kids would be home from school too, and then it would be interrupted sewing. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  120. I have a stack of quilts that need to be prepped for quilting. I tend to make things in groups. I make 4 or 5 quilt tops, then I quilt them all and then finally they all get their binding.

  121. A snow day means a day on the sofa with a good book. Merry Christmas!

  122. If I had a snow day tomorrow I think I'd make hubby help me make Christmas goodies since it would mean he's staying home with me. LOL He wouldn't mind though since he loves cooking and baking with me anyway.

  123. I'm a new follower. What a great giveaway! If I had a free day I'd probably do some kind of sewing or embroidery. Although, staying in bed reading and napping also sounds wonderful, hehe.

    Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


  124. I live in San Diego - I can't even imagine a snow day! But I do love scrappy quilts and charms really help me with that.

  125. That would be sew sweet... I'd be sewing!

  126. I would plop myself down on the couch and quilt my day away.

  127. Hot Chocltae on the sofa, under the blanket :) Thanks for the great givaway!

  128. A big hearty breakfast, fire in the fireplace, sewing while watching it snow. Doesn't get much better.

  129. If I had a snow day (impossible here in Southern Calif.... but we did have a rain day yesterday, kind of the same thing, only louder!).... I would definitely go out and play in the snow! Then hot chocolate (or chai) and read by the fire. Once I'm warmed up, time to go sew! And maybe someone will give me a back rub too!

  130. If I had a snow day I would be out playing in the snow especially since my daughter is home from University for the holiday. We would build a snow man, form snow angels, have a snowball fight and then go indoors for hot chocolate and cake. We'd also take Scamp out for a walk as he loves snow.

    1. I'll go out and have a snow fight!
      saruqa at gmail dot com
      thanks for the giveaway!

  131. I will stay at home, no work. thank you for this great chance. hugs from Italy. Alessandra

  132. I would sew, of course! I haven't seen snow since 1998 and I like it that way!

  133. Based on your definition, tomorrow is a snow day for me. I will exercise, get a deep tissue massage and then sew the rest of the day. It should be a perfect day.

  134. If I had a snow day tomorrow I would finish quilting my last quilt to finish for Christmas! I would love to have it done!!!

  135. I would try to finish some of the Christmas projects I have left.

  136. If I had a snow day, I would have some hot chocolate and do some quilting. Thanks for
    the chance to win!


  137. Snow days are few & far between here in Oklahoma, so I would take advantage by playing in the snow with the 3 grandkids & 4 granddogs, have some hot chocolate, then spend the rest of the day working on my latest quilt.

  138. Hee, if we had a snow day tomorrow, I think most people would be out playing in it.I'm in southwest Florida and the last time there was any snow at all was Christmas 1989! Good thing it started at night so we did have a little accumulation to play in!

  139. Up here we have a lot of snow this winter, but no snow day so far. If I did get a day off, I would go out for lunch somewhere nice nearby and sew all afternoon.

  140. A snow day in December is highly unlikely here but if we had one I'd let the kids play games all day so I could sew all day... LOL I realize I won't be winning any parenting awards anytime soon... haha

  141. If snow came here - would first have to go and enjoy it for a bit and get good and cold - then come in for some hot drink and then have the rest of the day to sew and quilt - What a wonderful day that would be... Can only hope..
    Thanks for the great giveaway...

  142. What a fun giveaway! If I had a snow day, I would love to spend the day curled up with a holiday book. I haven't read any Christmas books yet this year and I'm running out of time! Thanks for the chance to win and Merry Christmas!

  143. I would lay on the couch and do nothing! thanks for the chance to win!

  144. It's not very likely in south Florida that we would have a snow day, but if we did, I would go outside and play in the snow like a little girl.

  145. E free day all to myself... Fantastic!!! I would sew the day away.

  146. snow days just don't happen here in Florida, but when I lived in PA and there was a snow day, we would play in the snow, make hot chocolate when we came inside and then play board games, or put together a model or puzzle... my son loved snow days...

  147. cuddle up with my dogs, drink something hot, and sew/read. thanks and merry christmas. I follow via GFC and email.

  148. Easy peaty! I would sew! I've not had much time to do it lately, and I'd love a whole day of it.

  149. Stitch. And blog hop. Pesky work and kids

  150. If it weren't Saturday tomorrow, we just might have a snow day. Wintry mix is predicted which means icy roads 7 downed tree limbs. I love snow days - catch up on some reading with a few cups of coffee then hit the sewing room & sew the day away!

  151. Well, we don't have snow in NW Florida, but if I had to stay inside all day due to heavy rain, I would try to get some sewing done for my group, World of Charity Stitching.

  152. I would sleep in, just because I could on a snow day. Then just take it easy the rest of the day. Thanks for a nice giveaway.

  153. Try to sleep in, but fail miserably. If no kid at home I'd put on some Netflix and sew

  154. no restrictions? (are you taking my beautiful children for the day??) I'd sew, sew, sew. I have a quilt for my step dad that is about 1/2 pieced and needs to be done before the 25th (YIKES!), plus a lap quilt for my mom for that same date that still needs borders LOL and step 4 of the Bonnie Hunter Mystery, plus the first 4 clues of the NYE mystery quilt to cut, oh, and that little block for our guild meeting next week....

    Can you make it snow and come play with my kids? That would be fabulous! Thank you!

  155. If we had a snow day, I know it would be very wet slippery snow so I would go out and shovel the narrow path in front of my house. Then I would shovel the snow along in front of my neighbor's house because she is too old for that kind of work. Then I would continue down the block because the apartment dwellers wouldn't even own a shovel, then two more elderly people's walks. By then, I would have made the whole block safe and would return for a cup of something warm and a quilt to work on.

  156. I would read a good book, put dinner in the crockpot, and maybe sew or crochet. So many choices! I would also hope that I hadn't brought home papers to grade so I wouldn't feel guilty.

  157. Oh, what a glorious day: early mass, quilting, quiet lunch and nap, quilting, followed by more quilting. Thanks for participating in the giveaway!

  158. That sounds like a great day! I'd bake and sew the whole day.

  159. I love all those charm squares. I would be horrified if we had a snow day since it is summer here. I would definitely run out and play in it since I am retired and haven't seen much snow.

  160. Oh a snow day would be lovely, except for the shovelling the driveway part. I would hunker down in the basement behind my sewing machine! Any excuse to sew works for me.

  161. Love the fabric. If it snowed I would love to go sledding:D

  162. I would go in my sewing room and close the door and design a quilt
