
Saturday, December 21, 2019

Highlights {Best of 2019}

So apparently this post published before I was actually finished! Oops!

Here are my "Best of 2019" blog posts!

1. Most popular post: Daisy Chain Fabric Pulls

This one actually surprised me, because it isn't a finish post! Our Daisy Chain QAL was the biggest one to date, and this post being as popular as it was reflects that!

2. Most comments on a non-giveaway post: Plus Sign IBA Challenge Quilt

I loved working on this challenge quilt and this quilt was a fun out of the box color scheme for me.

3. Favorite new Honey, Bunny, and Doll pattern: Stars at Play

This pattern is just darling!

4. Favorite WIP finish: April Showers Medallion

For this cateogry, I define "WIP" as any project that was on my WIP list in January 2019. I do wish it was a smidge larger, but I could not be happier with this quilt. It lives in my very red guest room.

5. Favorite non-WIP finish: Christmas Churns

For this category, I picked my favorite finished project that I started and finished in 2019. This was also an easy pick -- my latest MBS pattern, Christmas Churns!

Sharing at the Best of 2019 linky party with Meadow Mist Designs!


  1. A great list! The Daisy Chain quilt along was a lot of fun.

  2. I'm really going to enjoy the recap posts this year since I missed a big chunk of the year with my travels. Looks like you had a great year!! :)

  3. Great highlights, Alison! Did you mean to start the post with "Blah blah" or was that temporary filler for a paragraph that didn't make it into this post? :)

  4. I always love all your quilts, but Christmas Churns is especially wonderful! You accomplished a lot this year!

  5. Fun variety of quilts and yay to including a quilt top in the mix!

  6. Very nice! Looks like you had a good year!

  7. All very pretty quilts. I love the array of colors and fabrics.

  8. Great list! I love your version of the plus sampler!


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