
Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Mosaic Mystery Quilt {Gaggle of Gooses}

I guess that this week just happens to be "mystery quilt catch up week" before my holiday travels!

I was also able to squeeze in the December clues for the Mosaic Mystery Quilt. The directions for December are actually a conglomeration of a few different flying geese and flying geese-esque units.

There are right and left facing half flying geese in two different color combinations, three sets of full flying geese units, and a few half square triangles. 

Because I am using fat quarter cuts for my Fabric B and Fabric C choices (burgundies and pinks), I made my half geese in matching pairs. We'll see if the way that I divvied up my fabric choices with my units will work well in the final quilt design. If I decide that I need to make additional or replacement units, I have extra fabric of all four of the pink fabrics I used. I might not have quite as much extra burgundy to work with, but I will make it work.

Back goes all of my units and fabrics into their rather large project bag -- in January we will start making blocks and assembling the quilt!


  1. Really like your fabric choices for this mystery. I should be caught up tonight. Looking forward to seeing how all these pieces fit together.

  2. I love your colours. I can't wait to see the next set of instructions.


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