
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Happy Dance {Frolic Mystery Quilt}

Today I am doing a happy dance -- I have finally finished the last six blocks for my Frolic mystery quilt top!

As I have mentioned in some of my recent posts, working from home has not been a boon for sewing time for me. I still am working full time -- just at my kitchen table. I have managed to sneak in sewing time here and there (and quite a bit this past weekend!) and the first thing on the list was to finish up these six blocks.

As I mentioned in my last post, I did have to make about 20 additional four patch units to finish up these blocks, which was quick and easy because I still had a couple strips in those colors that I didn't use when I did the cutting for the step originally.

Now comes the big, large, huge undertaking of the pieced sashings and putting the rows together. I know I will need to make more sashing parts along the way, but I might modify the original directions so that I can strip piece them.

Happy Wednesday! I hope the sun is shining where ever you might be!


  1. Ah, today in southern Michigan it is snowing! It won't stay for long. Your Frolic is looking good!

  2. Yeah for the happy dance. It looks great. I've been hoping to start working from I can do some sewing. LOL

  3. Working from home is a lot harder then going into the office. And it's harder to end the work day for some reason, so I think I have less sewing time then when I was actually leaving the house. Congratulations on finishing off the blocks, that's no small step. I've got 3 left to make, but need to make the 12 4-patches for them. The sashing isn't too bad, it's the sewing all the rows together, lots of seams to match and pin. Good luck!

  4. Love these blocks! Absolutely worthy of a happy dance! It is in fact sunny here this morning and I look forward to a walk later. That's one thing I have liked about the current situation--more walks.


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