
Friday, April 17, 2020

Quarantine Project {Scrap Busting Blocks}

I have been in a "purge, purge, purge" mood since we painted my sewing room in January. It's been good to finish things up, use up scraps, and try to be more organized. Now, at this exact moment, my sewing room looks like a bomb went off, but I am kind of in the middle of pulling things out and putting things away more organized, so it will get better shortly.

In an effort to use up scraps, especially my snippet scraps, I did allow myself to start one Quarantine Project -- but just one! I have too many other things that need to be finished and too many Island Batik projects for the rest of this year to start too many new things!

I started making these 6.5" scrappy blocks out of my snippets and strings about two weeks ago -- and have already managed to make a pile of blocks! They alternate (mostly) between a string row, a snippet row, a string row, a snippet row, and then a final string row.

I have six purple blocks...

...three green blocks and one aqua block...

...two yellow, one orange, and one pink...

and finally, three brown blocks.

I don't have any sort of plan for these blocks just yet. I have piles of blue, teal/aqua, and green scraps ready to go for my next sets of blocks. I have been sewing the snippet rows as leaders-and-enders sometimes when I have been working on other projects.

I will also put together a tutorial for next week on making these blocks. They can be adapted to any size and it's not necessary to use a paper foundation, but I find it does help me some.


  1. It will be fun to see more of these blocks come together and how you use them, Alison. I really love getting to tidy things up and hope you enjoy your space when it is complete!

  2. I'm trying to finish up a couple of projects that have a time grandson will be due in the first week of May!
    When those are done, it is on to organizing and using up some of my scraps.
    I love your blocks! It will be fun to see what you do with them!


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