
Monday, April 6, 2020

Measurable Progress {Frolic Mystery Quilt}

I think, perhaps, that I am starting to see the end of the tunnel with my Frolic mystery quilt!

Since last I posted, I have finished these five dark teal blocks:

This means I am officially more than halfway through my planned number of dark teal blocks AND 85% of the way done with ALL of the full blocks for this quilt.

I still have a LOT do to do as far as the pieced sashings go, as well as deciding how I am going to modify my setting triangles (since I am NOT making partial blocks) and potentially figuring out how to use the piles of half-square triangles that I made in the course of the clues that were intended for the pieced border that I am not enamored with.

My thought is to try to use some of the pieced triangles for my setting triangles or to only use some of them in the pieced border.

In the meantime, I am back to making units for my next set of dark teal blocks:

In this pile, I have all of my half-square triangles, flying geese, and additional strip sets for my coral and navy four patches sewn. These will all be pressed and trimmed in my moments of "free time" throughout the week.

Happy Monday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and were able to get outside a bit -- we are spoiled living within walking distance of a national park, so we have plenty of places to socially distance ourselves in nature.

Don't forget that our PDF patterns are 20% off for ten more days! We also still have a limited stock of Kona remaining in our Etsy shop -- we have already sold out of some colors, but we still have 7 neutral colors in stock. We also have a limited selection of batiks and tonals.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't had the energy to figure out where I left off on the Frolic quilt. I did take some pieces with me to FL to work on, but didn't take the already finished units, so I didn't get far. Decided the Seeing Stars Sew Along was the easier one to resume, so I'm on the last clue for that one. Frolic will have to wait a little longer. And I very wisely decided to ignore the Unity Quilt. And I still have a baby quilt to sandwich, quilt and bind.


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