
Thursday, January 2, 2020

Show Me Something {Purple} with Sarah Goer Quilts

While a lot of the online quilting community has migrated to Facebook and Instagram, there are still quite a few of us that still love to blog and love to READ the blogs of others. My friend Sarah of Sarah Goer Quilts has come up with a great idea for a new monthly link up and I am hoping you will check it out, share your posts, and enjoy reading some posts!

Each month Sarah is going to pick a theme for the link up -- this month's theme is PURPLE which I happen to know is Sarah's favorite color! You can link up one to three posts at any point in the month centered around that month's theme.

Here are the three posts I am adding this month:

1. Ohio Star Baby Quilt -- This is one of my Island Batik Ambassador projects from last fall, made with my Accuquilt cutter.

2. Tutorial: making Wonky Cross blocks in bulk -- This is a tutorial from a few years ago on making wonky cross blocks in batches rather than one at a time, using strip piecing.

3. Pansy Garden Traveling Quilt Bee -- I realize that purple is not a color I use frequently looking through my older posts! This is a finish from 2018 of a traveling quilt bee-created quilt top.

I hope your new year is off to a good start! I am excited to get back in the groove of sewing and blogging after a very busy November and December!


  1. Great purple projects. This is wonderful idea for a link up.

  2. Great purple projects; I like how you have used pastels, pure purples, and a fun mix of bolder colors.

    I really like Sarah's new linkup idea, too. I can't imagine giving up my blog as much as people migrate to other areas; at least I "own" my blog content!

  3. Beautiful purple projects! That soft Ohio star one is really gorgeous, but I like the bolder bee quilt too. And funny you said about the migration to Facebook / Instagram, I've actually migrated off both and basically just do blogs now.

  4. I LOVE you Ohio Star baby quilt. It is just so darn pretty. Your color choices are stunning. Nice work.

  5. As a non-blogger I have always been thankful for all you bloggers who have stuck with the format and have been sad to lose contact with those who migrated to Facebook which I refuse to join. I have begun to use Instagram (I know it's owned by Facebook) so I can post my progress on quilt projects (and photos from my garden) since it is unlikely I will ever learn to blog. But I still follow lots of blogs and enjoy getting new ideas from everyone. I hopped over to Sarah's blog and subscribed so I can see the new link-up. Since purple is my favorite color I look forward to this month's offerings.

  6. Very pretty purples. I love sewing with purple, but it doesn't go with anything in my house. You've got three great posts lined up.


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