
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Square Dance {Double Delight}

Since I last posted about my Double Delight quilt, I have been in a cycle of obtaining cream fabric, cutting said fabric, using said fabric, and realizing that I still needed more cream fabric. In addition to the cream fabric that I showed in the previous post, I added three different half yards of cream A Quilting Life prints (which all happen to have the EXACT shade of cream I needed).

Now it's time to do a dance -- a square dance, appropriately -- that my second set of square-in-a-square units are finished!

Of course it took a good chunk of my weekend evenings to trim these monsters, I mean, miniature artworks. So much pretty trash!

Like the previous set, I went ahead and sorted the units into four piles so I won't have to recount them later.

I also was able to finish my 9 patches as well. I exhausted the entire pile of pink scraps I had pulled initially, and piles of scraps beyond that! I used up just about all of the pink scraps on the pink-cream-pink units (bottom half of the below picture) and ended up using the last quarter yard of a pink print (from my Meadow quilt) for the cream-pink-cream units (top half of the below picture).

Because I was excited about these, I just kept sewing and sewing on these this weekend. All of the chain piecing!

Piles waiting for pressing on Sunday afternoon:

Piles of nine patches ready to be sewn into blocks!

Now I have all of the units complete and my next step is to assemble the blocks. I'll need to make 30 Rolling Star blocks and 20 Double 9-patch blocks. I am going to try to pull something from my stash for the setting triangles and it should be about twin sized when finished.

Happy Wednesday! Sharing at Let's Bee Social!


  1. That's a lot of chain piecing and trimming progress! I can totally relate to the cycle of purchase only to realize I need more and then purchase again...

  2. I love square in a square blocks but they seem to take forever to put together, and then there is ALL the trimming! This is going to look great!

  3. You did a lot of work here! Your nine patches are marvelous!


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