
Monday, May 21, 2018

Blocked Rainbow QAL {Week #7 - Setting Directions}

The 2018 quilt along is now over and the entire pattern is available as a single PDF pattern on Etsy and Craftsy.

We've come to the home stretch of our Blocked Rainbow QAL! Thank you to all of you for joining us!

Let's get to it! If you already cut your spacers, you can pull those out again. If you haven't cut the spacers, refer to this post on how to cut them. Here are the sizes again:

Lay out quilt blocks as shown in the diagram with the spacers in the correct locations. 

Sew together quilt blocks in columns rather than rows.

Sew columns together to complete quilt top. Quilt as desired and bind.

The throw quilt top will measure 48" x 66". The twin sized quilt top will measure 72" x 99".

The twin size quilt is really an XL twin size. It's so big my husband and I had a hard time wrangling it for pictures.

Next week is Memorial Day and also an off week so that we have two full weeks between the setting directions coming out and the start of the quilt top parade on June 4th. Starting now, if you finish your quilt top, please email me a photo of your quilt top at  I will have a post that will go up on June 4th and will continue updating the blog post with finished tops and quilts until June 18th and announce prize winners that day. As a reminder here are all of our prize sponsors, thank you to the designers that have already sponsored our weekly giveaways!

Giveaway Sponsors:
Weekly PDF Pattern Giveaways:
Inquiring Quilter
KISSed Quilts
Yellow Cat Quilt Designs
Lizard Creek Designs
Patterns by Jen

Grand Finale Giveaways:
Honey, Bunny, and Doll Designs
Seams Like A Dream (USA only)
Sarah Goer Quilts (pattern)
Quilting JetGirl (pattern bundle)
Benartex Fabrics (fabric bundle)
Island Batik Fabrics (fabric bundle)

Thank you to all of you for participating! We've had a lot of fun sharing pictures in the Facebook group! Sharing at Linky Tuesday!

Our winner from two weeks ago is Amanda! She's making a quilt with an entirely different color scheme and I can't wait to see it all together!


  1. Wow! It's so beautiful! I love a rainbow on white, but it seems a rainbow on black looks even more stunning!


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