
Monday, July 31, 2017

Top Spin {Progress + Blocks}

When secret sewing takes up a lot of your time, sometimes its good to bust out and work on something random for a while! This weekend I was able to finish an upcoming secret sewing project (hooray) and then spent some time working on putting together the first eight blocks of my Top Spin quilt. 

I have been making the HSTs for my Top Spin blocks (pattern by Melissa of Happy Quilting on Moda Bake Shop) as a leader and ender project for about eight months. Sometimes I've been better and worse about remembering to use the leader and enders, but I think I've made just about all of the small and medium sized HST units and have started on the pile of squares for the large HST units.

I also picked out the fabric to use as the background -- its the same fabric that I used for the backing of my two Pinwheel Pals quilts. I'm planning to make my quilt twin sized. Here are the blocks piled up and laid out before I sewed them.

I was able to make eight blocks with the limited number of large HSTs that I have, but it was good to finally get a few blocks made.

I will need 48 blocks for a twin sized quilt without a border, so that means I'm already 17% of the way done with my blocks! I have two different large chunks of fabric in my stash that I plan to use for the backing and the binding.

One of the other things I did this weekend was clean out one of my "catch all" bins and sort some of the smaller scraps from the bin into my scrap boxes to "refresh" them! Here's an action shot of fabric all over my living room floor:

I also sorted out some of my Christmas fabrics because I'm also being strongly, strongly tempted to participate in the I Wish You A Merry Quilt Along! I want to try to resist, but that might not be possible. :)

If you missed my live stream of my Island Batik box opening, you can watch it any time on the Honey, Bunny, and Doll Facebook page! I'll be doing an Island Batik Giveaway on Friday, so don't forget to come back and enter to win!

Sharing at MCM, Linky Tuesday, and Oh Scrap


  1. This is going to be a beautiful quilt. I wish I could get myself organized enough to do some work with leaders and enders. Sometimes I do but not consistently so I think it would take me about 100years to get a quilt done with this method.

  2. Always good to switch gears for a while! Your Top Spin is going to be so pretty, and it's all "free" labor when done as leaders/enders :)

  3. Hi Alison,
    Wow - you had a productive week. I am not trying to lead you astray but . . . I am participating in the Merry QAL. You know you want to since you found all your holiday fabrics. Just sayin' ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. That pattern is so lovely with your scrappy blocks. Can't wait to see your finish.

  5. Very pretty blocks. Hope you get in some more stitching time this week.

  6. I love doing the quilting math and seeing how far along I am to block completion. Congratulations on finishing more secret sewing and getting some fun time in this weekend!


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