
Friday, July 24, 2015

Finished August Wallhanging

A real, live finish!

I was able to finish up the satin stitching Tuesday night, did the quilting on Wednesday night, and added the pockets and bound it last night!

And ta-da!

I did a curly swirly meander for the quilting, similar to what I did for this baby quilt, but on a smaller scale. Here are some close up shots of the satin stitching and the quilting:


Lil' bee in the corner...

Flowers... I did end up using bright yellow, but I am happy with how it stands out!

Another lil' bee...

For the backing and the hanging pockets I used a stashed fabric that I had a yard of. For the binding I used a large scale polka dot print that has lavender and white dots on a purple background -- absolutely perfect for this project!

No puckers! Wahoo!

I'm very excited to hang this one up in my kitchen today!

Linking up with Free Motion Mavericks, TGIFF, and Finish it up Friday!


  1. Very nice, I really like all of the little details you added.

  2. Hello Alison,

    I love the swirly FMQ - it makes me think of the flight path of a bee!

    You have the knack of making beautiful cheerful little quilts. They must really brighten up your home. Are you going to show the whole series when you have one for each month?

    Thank you for linking up with Free Motion Mavericks!

    Love, Muv


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