
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

WIP Wednesday: Garden is growing

I was able to finish up the last of my Block As for my Romantic Garden quilt over the last few days. They really do have more contrast in real life!

Thirteen is an awkward number of blocks to photograph. C'est la vie.

I also was able to finish up all of the QSTs that I need for Block B!

Here's the start of the trimming...

Here's all 48 trimmed in piles of 4...

And here are the centers of the Block Bs laid out...

And ta da -- eight of my twelve Block B centers completed!

Linking up with WIP Wednesday and Let's Bee Social!


  1. Good job sticking to it! These blocks are, indeed, romantic in appearance.

  2. Ohh..nice ..Can't wait to see your finished garden...Great progress

  3. I think these are going to look really beautiful once put together. And as another reader above mentioned, definitely romantic in appearance.

  4. I love batch sewing, when all of a sudden you end up with 8 blocks! Can't wait to see it all together.

  5. You sure picked some wonderful fabrics!!

  6. It is going to be gorgeous!


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