
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Romantic Garden Progress

Lest you think that all I do is work on QAL stuff, I finally have some other progress to share!

I've been working on my Block As for my Romantic Garden quilt and now have nine out of thirteen completed! 

Strangely enough, I'm missing three of my pink and green HSTs. I suspect a bunny might have stolen them. If I don't find them, I will have to remake them -- boo!

I've also been working on my next two monthly wall hangings and making serious progress! July is all ready to be satin stitched! I plan to outline the white squares in either red/light blue/dark blue for contrast from whatever block it is in. I plan to outline the red flowers with yellow.

Since it is much easier for me to get the fusible applique part done these days, I also started working on my August beehive. The pattern for this one also had a blue background, but I decided to go with purple with this one. This was actually one of the first backgrounds I had put together way back when I started working on these! Those stems will eventually have some pink or orange flowers on them.


  1. The wall hangings are both really cute. Hope you found your HSTs.

  2. Beautiful wall hangings Alison and I hope you find your missing blocks :)

  3. Thanks for sharing your work! (I'm a 50 something former-chemist-turned-SAHM)

  4. Love the beehive piece!! Reminds me I need to put away the winter hangings and get out the summer ones!?!

  5. Oh, very cute. Mini quilts are so much fun to make. Visiting from Freemotion by the River.


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