
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

WIP Wednesday: Some Quick Quilting

When I was doing my normal "what am I going to post about this week" I was planning that my WIP Wednesday post would be some in-progress shots of the quilting on my Double Hourglass Quilt.

Wrong. And not in the way that you might think -- I managed to get the quilting on this baby done in less than one day! It still needs to be bound -- machine bound, most definitely -- but I'm still kind of in shock that it is done -- and that I only used 3 bobbins to do the whole thing!

I apologize for the indoor-with-flash-because-its-dark pictures. The sun isn't going to come out today either, boo!

My quilting motif was to FMQ straight lines lined up with the centers of the blocks (through the X of the block) and when I got to the center of each block I made a little four petaled flower in the inner 4 triangles. I used the triangles to help "size" my loops but not all of them are perfectly straight or perfectly sized -- they did get much better as I went along! I then went back and made straight lines perpendicularly through the blocks. I did these lines with my free motion foot as well. 

Here's the zig-zag back! I didn't match up the zig-zags (oh, the horror!) because this one is getting donated to raffle it off I can live with that.

Here's a close up of the quilting on the back:

Now to get started on that binding!

Linking up with WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced! Don't forget to check out the first block in the Quilter's Choice Quilt along and to vote for your choice for Block #2!


  1. Gorgeous! Absolutely love it, and the chevron back is awesome!

  2. Looks beautiful and what fun fabric for the back!!

  3. Congrats on getting done faster than you thought :-) Always such a good feeling!

  4. The little flowers add some fun rhythm to the classic straight-line quilting


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