
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Argyle Quilt Progress

After finishing my Lucky Square, I decided that I should spend the rest of April finishing up loose ends on other projects.

So I pulled out all of the blocks for my Argyle quilt and laid the whole thing out. It did take a while to make sure that it looked "random" enough. There really needs to be an app for randomizing blocks like yesterday.

I did all of the setting triangles next. Note: this was a royal pain because it wasn't right angles. I didnt' really measure them either. I kind of just sewed them and squared them up and then added the next row. Totally janky, but I got it done!!!

Here is a close up of the setting triangles and one of the corners:

Here's the whole thing:

Here is the beauty on my bed:

After I put it on my bed I realized that it was very long but ever so slightly narrow for my queen sized bed. I added borders of the large floral print on the left and the right to give it a little bit more width (except I guess I didn't take a picture.)

Sharing at Sew Cute Tuesday and Fabric Tuesday!

Better Off Thread

Fresh Poppy Design


  1. It's GORGEOUS! Often, "janky" is acceptable ;) I really love the pattern you are using.

  2. Lovely quilt! It really looks great on the bed. Thanks for sharing.

  3. That argyle is just beautiful. The color of your setting triangles really sets off the colors in your blocks. Nicely done.


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