
Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I finally cut into my Blitzen jelly roll that I got for my birthday...last June!

I'm using Cluck Cluck Sew's Basket Case pattern and here are the first 10 blocks:

See that second one in the second row? It's put together wrong. Gotta fix that and then get started on this one:

Linking up with Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. I love the fabric you are using.

  2. Blitzen is wonderful isn't it? I have a layer cake of it lying in wait for something amazing. I like this basket weave you have happening. You using Kona white as the background? Any firm quilting ideas for this?

  3. I, too, ordered a Blitzen layer cake last summer when someone had them on sale. When it came in I was really disappointed - I guess I just didn't look at all of the fabrics. I didn't use it for the project I bought it for but waited a few months and then cut it up and sewed it back together. I can't remember what pattern I used but it was something along the lines of Yellow Brick Road. Anyway, it's now almost cute. I am going to put the binding on it this weekend at a sewing retreat. Was your Blizten roll what you expected? Just curious. I like what you're doing with it.

  4. Really like the pattern you chose! And very smart to start your Christmas sewing in February;)

  5. Love this pattern! It looks pretty complex and headache filled, props to you! haha :)


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