
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Stopping Points

This weekend, I didn't end up getting a ton done, but I did manage to get to some significant progress points for a couple projects.

I finished the 10th New York Beauty Block and remade the 3rd one because I wasn't happy with the way the layout. Here they are together:

So now I need to make a final decision about the layout to see how many more blocks (or half blocks...maybe) I will end up needing to make. I'm actually getting to the point of having used up a lot of the fabric that I started with so I'm pretty sure this one will end up as a wall hanging or throw.

I also received the 6 storage boxes that I ordered from Joann that were the one day special this past week because they are the spring colors. I think the colors are fantastic. Four of the boxes are now home to projects in progress and two are full of my scrap fabric. Huzzah for organization!

Tonight I made the final argyle block! Now just to wait for my Chocolate Kona to show up on my doorstep (hopefully tomorrow!) for the setting triangles and spend hours figuring out how to mix up all of the blocks so that the same colors don't end up next to each other.

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!


  1. That argyle is fantastic. I love those storage boxes too. I don't seem to have enough. Perhaps I have too many WIP's?

  2. Great boxes and beautiful NYB Blocks!!

  3. Yay I found your blog! It's Kim from Nubees :-) I wandered over from Plum and June's linky party. This argyle business looks intriguing. What are the plans for setting the triangles - i.e. how are you going to do it? And those boxes are clutch - I have quite a few for project organization myself!
    cheers Alison!

  4. I too have dropped by from P&J. Your fabric colour choices are so calming - I've done a NYB as part of a Bee using crazy bright colours and in these more subtle colours I almost didn't recognise it, it looks great :)


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