
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Potpourri of projects

I've not really been able to focus on any of my projects that well for the last few days, so I have been jumping between them and doing a lot of Netflix watching on the couch eating meatballs. Judge me.

I also started working on the Christmas tree skirt that I am making for a family friend (can't be more specific than that because they read my blog on occasion!) These are the colors and the blocks all cut out:

Here are all of the blocks chain pieced into pairs!

I'm working on putting a tutorial for this one together once I figure out how big this thing should actually be. I originally was going to make it 45 inches in diameter, but that might be too small. Hopefully figuring that out tonight.

I am making a little bit of progress on my 100 Day Hustle list, so that's important! I had a mini-panic attack because I thought I didn't have any more of the light blue Fairy Frost that is on the back of my blue and white snowflake quilt for a hanging sleeve BUT I found it in a pile on a chair. *sigh of relief*

Now to clean up the rest of the piles on my chairs....not. 

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