
Sunday, October 30, 2011

New Swag and Goals

I got these fabrics from the quilt store; the red is Hoffman Winter Magic and the snowflake is Hoffman Wrap It Up (this is the only time I ever look at or care about what the fabric is or where it came from.)

Today at Joann, we found some fun remnants:

The middle fabric is the same fabric that I used for the back of my Stairsteps to Paradise quilt, that I am going to try to use to back the placemats.

I also found these brights on clearance: well as these pretty silver blues:

I also got my fabric wrapped canvas up on the wall.

What are your goals for the week?? Did you get anything exciting done this weekend???


  1. sooo this would be a pretty abstract looking arrow quilt, but so pretty. have you tried a zigzag quilt yet? i think this would be fun to do in a wine and silver blue. :)

  2. Yay for your sewing projects! I am in the middle of cleaning my room, which runs into the near-avoidable task of putting away my spring and summer clothes... to be done soon! This week: room clean and organized!

  3. No zig-zags just yet! Definitely something on the very very long list of things to do.

    I've been doodling for a while with the arrows, very unsuccessfully. But, I press on.


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