
Friday, October 4, 2019

Moxi Charm Baby Quilt {Finished Quilt}

After the short detour as a result of running out of thread, I finished my Four Squared baby quilt!

Once my thread arrived, I was able to finish up the quilting in about five minutes!

For the binding, I used the leftover fabric from the backing. I like to cut a 2.25" binding, and for this quilt, I sewed the binding to the front by machine and hand stitched it to the back.

I really am wishing that I would have had another charm pack or two to make this quilt bigger and keep it for myself! But I'm sure that this will end up snuggled by one of our friends' babies eventually!

Quilt Stats:
Name: Moxi Four Squared baby quilt
Pattern: Four Squared from Moda Bake Shop (pattern no longer available)
Fabrics: Two Moxi charm packs + solid white
Techniques: using precuts, free motion quilting
Quilting: free motion swirls using Mint Aurifil
Size: 40" x 48"
Batting: scrap batting
Started: August 2019
Finished: September 2019
Future: Baby quilt/TBD

Sharing at:
Beauties Pageant
Finished or not Friday
Peacock Party
Favorite Finish


  1. Lovely baby quilt. I can quite understand your wanting to make it bigger for yourself.

  2. Super cute finish, Alison! Congratulations :)

  3. It really is adorable and a great baby quilt pattern!

  4. That quilt just screams "snuggle up with me". It's going to be well loved!

  5. What a fun baby quilt! I love that it is not purely pink, but also has that lovely and neutral green/lime and yellow in it. Enjoy your finish :)
    Best wishes xo Melanie

  6. Super cute! I'm sure it will get lots of snuggles as a baby quilt!

  7. Congrats on a very pretty finish!


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