
Friday, October 11, 2019

Mosaic Mystery Quilt {Squares and Triangles}

It's time to check in with my progress on the Mosaic Mystery Quilt hosted by Cheryl of Meadow Mist Designs!

I didn't post an update in September, so I decided that I would combine my September and October clue progress together in one post.

September's clue was to make stitch-and-flip "house" blocks. These were very quick and easy! Since I am using fat quarters instead of yardage, I used three different fabrics for the stitch and flip squares, so half of the units have the pink and burgundy scroll fabric, a quarter of the units have the burgundy mottled print, and a quarter of the units have the dark pink Fairy Frost.

An aside: I absolutely LOVE Fairy Frost. I had a lot of scraps of it years ago and used a lot of the scraps in my Harry Potter quilt, which I realize has never actually been shared as a finish, and I will do that eventually.

For October, our assignment was to make two different sets of square-in-a-square (SIAS) units. These were quick and easy as well; it seems like I have done so much itty bitty piecing lately -- it's so nice to work on something with bigger piecing! All of the green/brown and background fabric SIAS units are the same; there are two each of each of the four different pink fabrics for the pink/background SIAS units.

Now the long wait to November begins!


  1. They look good Alison - I love the different pinks you used for the house blocks. I need to get busy making my square in square blocks (I'm doing two version of the mystery as couldn't make up my mind between two colourways).

  2. Love your scrappy version blocks. Congrats on finishing off both clues.


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