
Monday, April 8, 2019

Blocks and Bricks Quilt Top {Charity Sewing}

The second of my charity quilt tops is now finished. I showed off the first top made with the Jungle Cruise line a few weeks ago, and this quilt is made from the Bazaar line from Island Batik. All of these fabrics were given to me by Island Batik previously for blog hop projects and I cut all of the scraps for these charity quilts.

From these scraps, I cut 10.5" squares, 5.5" squares, and 10.5" x 5.5" rectangles, which was the most efficient use of the fabric I had leftover making my Dashing to the Chapel quilt. I pieced the small squares and rectangles together to make 10.5" squares. Here are the piles of squares and blocks stacked up prior to sewing the quilt top together.

I randomly placed the pieced blocks among the large squares.

I had another half yard of the same or similar peach that I used for the squares and rectangles, and so I decided to cut it into 2.25" strips and added a small border all the way around the quilt. The finished size of the quilt is now about 64" x 84".

Being able to make one twin-ish sized quilt AND one full-ish sized quilt out of leftover fabrics is a pretty great accomplishment! Just doing simple piecing for both was fun and fast -- a quick finish is so rewarding! I have a few backing cuts in my stash that I will need to pair with these two tops, but otherwise these are ready to be sent off for quilting!

If you haven't yet sent off a quilt top or quilt to support the Carolina Hurricane Quilt Project, please consider doing so! Thank you to Island Batik for being so generous to us ambassadors that I've been able to make two quilt tops so far for this project. I also used thread given to us from Aurifil over the last three Ambassador years to do all of the piecing for these quilts -- I used hot pink and gold thread to piece this top!

Sharing at Oh Scrap!


  1. How awesome to get this fun quilt from the scraps of your first project!

  2. What a happy quilt! The colors remind me of sherbet. I'm so glad you were able to use your scraps for such a great cause, too :)

  3. What a nice simple design for a donation quilt. Goes together fast and looks very cheery. I've Pinned it and may use it for one of my H2H projects.


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