
Friday, March 22, 2019

Four Patch Quilt Top {Charity Sewing}

Way, way back in January, part of my push to organize my new sewing room included cutting up some of my older Island Batik fabrics into squares and rectangles for charity quilts for the Carolina Hurricane Quilt Project.

I had significant chunks of fabric left from two different lines: the Jungle Cruise line, which I used for my Summer Patio quilt and the Bazaar line, which I recently used to make my new Dashing to the Chapel quilt.

From the Jungle Cruise fabric leftovers (and a few additional fabrics mixed in), I cut 9.5" squares and then made gigantic 18.5" four patches.

20 of these four patches made a 72" x 96" quilt top, which is either a very large twin or a moderately sized full quilt.

I'm now working on turning my Bazaar scraps into another quilt top. I have all of my squares stacked up and read to sew into a top. As of right now, this quilt would only be 60" x 80" so it might need a border added.

Happy Friday!

Sharing at Oh Scrap!


  1. What a great way to use up the scraps. I know the quilt(s) will be well appreciated.

  2. Great way to use up those left overs and keep your scrappy bins less full.

  3. Sounds like you have some great plans to turn those leftovers into some pretty quilts. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  4. Great use of those scraps, doing double duty as sharing some love!


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