
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Drift Away {Piecing Complete)

In between working on my Island Batik challenge for July, I've been plugging away at my Drift Away quilt and have been able to finish the top!

Or at least, finish the pieced part of the top. Much like my Double Delight quilt top, I'm not sure if I want to add a border onto this quilt or not. My original plan and my current inclination is to add a 5" border all the way around for a 90" square quilt since I'm thinking about giving this quilt as a wedding gift (that is, once the recipients actually get engaged -- it's only a matter of time!)

This project was supposed to be a leader and ender project, and I was having too much fun working on it to just leave it as a leader and ender project. The other complication (which I didn't necessarily anticipate) was that working on this quilt definitely required it to be laid out and planned out, which isn't very conducive to leader and ender projects most of the time. I also found that the big pieces of this quilt (the biggest size of squares is 8.5") took up a lot of valuable sewing station space!

I think it's a miracle that I was able to obtain such a random and well blended layout of all of my different fabrics! As I noted in some of my previous posts about this quilt, there are some fabrics with great memories attached to them included in this quilt. Even if this is a quilt that doesn't live me forever, it's been a good change to work on a scrappy project with bigger piecing.

I need over a yard of fabric for borders on this quilt so I haven't found anything in my stash. So at this point, I can either call it finished or start looking for a border fabric -- what do you think? Should I keep this 80 inches square or add borders so that it will be closer to 90 inches square?

Happy Wednesday! Sharing at Let's Bee SocialNeedle and Thread Thursday and Oh Scrap! Don't forget to take advantage of our free shipping special in the HBD Etsy Shop!


  1. Very pretty, and nicely balanced layout. I agree with your plan to add borders to make it larger for a wedding gift. Maybe a 2" inner border and then your outer border, maybe 6". I like 96" as a finished size for a queen size bedspread.

  2. It is a very balanced quilt top and came together really nicely. I just read Jan's suggestion for a border and think it sounds like a great plan.

  3. You did do a great job spreading out the fabrics. I think it will be lovely with or without a border.

  4. This is a lovely one, Alison. Would make a great guy quilt too.

  5. If you're already thinking about borders, then that's probably the right thing to do! Since the couple isn't engaged yet, you have plenty of time to browse fabric sales to find just the right design for the border fabric. It's kind of like a treasure hunt :)

  6. Congrats on a lovely finish Alison and a big hello. I believe I was introduced to you through Stashbee a couple years ago.

  7. If I wanted it bigger, I'd add a border in the black you've used throughout the quilt, to make the rest of it "float." But I do think it looks fantastic as it is, so if you stick with this size, I'd go with black binding.

    I find that leader and ender projects often eventually have to go to the design board (or floor). That's okay! The whole quilt doesn't have to be made between other projects, but the fact you've done a lot of piecing while doing other things is the magic of leader and enders. :)

  8. The quilt top looks great! I think that a border would frame the piecing very nicely.

  9. I love that this was a leader and ender project. It looks great and balanced. I think I have to start thinking about a project like that for me as my scraps are running over.

  10. Its looking good! I'm ready to put a binding on my July Island Batik project...actually going to get it done before the end of the month! I taught at art camp this week, so not a lot of sewing going on but with this horrid heat, I know I will be inside where it is cool!

  11. You could definitely go either way on adding or not adding a border. Congrats on getting the blocks all sewn together.


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