
Friday, June 29, 2018

Drift Away {Half of a Quilt}

As I mentioned in my previous post about this quilt, working on putting together a quilt that is set on point sometimes yields some goofy quilt pictures! I am almost at the halfway point where the quilt is a single gigantic triangle.

Since I don't have a design wall, I typically use my carpets as my "design spaces". And since I have been working on this quilt on and off over the last month or so, I have been laying down the finished corner, laying out a row or two, sewing those rows together and then to the quilt top, and then strategically folding everything up.

The row that I've been working on is the middle row of the quilt. It's ready to be added to the quilt (after a good press!).

Happy Friday! I have a giveaway for Island Batik scraps going until Monday and we have a pattern sale in our Etsy shop!

Sharing at Oh Scrap!


  1. Looking good! Do you plan to piece the other corner before combining them together?

  2. This looks rad! And after reading Yvonne's comment, I'm curious too! How will you combine this? One row at a time? Or two corners smooshed together? Or something else entirely?

  3. I really like your color choices in this one. I am looking forward to seeing the finished quilt. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  4. What a wonderful scrappy looking quilt that is going to be!!

  5. You've made great progress. I'm so happy to have a design wall, but I know not everyone has the room.

  6. Looking good! I'm also without a design wall after 15 years with a lovely design wall in my last house. The only floor space big enough to lay out most of my quilts now is in the common room of the dorm where I am the resident (I work at a boarding school). As you can imagine, I get a lot more done during the breaks than during the school year. Yay, summer!

  7. Hi, Alison! This quilt is looking great. I really like the unexpected choice of solid black combined with the scrappy blues and greens.


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