
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Coast to Coast Bee 2.0 {Karen's Quilt}

For this round of the Coast to Coast Traveling Bee, I worked on Karen's quilt. Here's what Audrey sent to me:

Karen created the Storm at Sea center, Chelsea added the checkerboard corners, and Audrey added the striped corner sections.

I decided that I wanted to add a border around what Audrey added instead of another set of corner sections to turn the quilt top on point. I settled on adding a diamond chain border around the quilt, with the same sized colored squares that Chelsea used in her checkerboard sections. I found a great cream print with white feathers to use as my background at my LQS while my mom was in town visiting.

Getting the side sections together was very quick and I was able to cut each section to about 5.5 inches wide. I used one of the purple fabrics for squares in the corners.

Here's a close up I used as a teaser on Instagram, which shows the low volume feather print quite well!

Now this top is on its way to Stephanie to work on and I'll be receiving Stephanie's quilt for our last round of quilts this year! My quilt (or rather, my rows) will be coming back to me sometime in July!

Sharing at Needle and Thread Thursday and Oh Scrap!


  1. I like what you did with the top. The diamond chain border goes great with the rest of the top.

  2. Wow, that diamond border is great! It looks perfectly matched to the center medallion!

  3. The border ties it together beautifully with the center and I like how it gives Audrey's striped addition depth, too.

  4. Every aspect of the top works so well with the rest. It's gorgeous!

  5. Great job! I love that you mimicked something else already in the quilt. It does help it all play nicely!

  6. Really cool border! I'll be doing my first round robin in July and I'm inspired by your borders :)
    louise dot hornor at gmail

  7. Your border really ties it all together. Looking forward to seeing how your project turned out.

  8. It really looks like the quilt was planned that way since the beginning. Nice job!

  9. This is BEAUTIFUL, Alison! I'm fascinated by this kind of collaboration, where the original maker gets her quilt back with a series of border surprises attached by trusted friends. I'm not sure I could relinquish that much creative control to participate in one of these myself, though.

  10. Wonderful choice for your border. It really frames the quilt nicely and ties it all together. Round robin quilts are always so much fun. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!


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