
Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Donuts {Couldn't Resist}

Given that I've accomplished some finishes recently, I allowed my self to start something new! Amanda Jean Nyberg's newest book has a pattern called "Donuts (the size of your head)" which immediately caught my eye. I got this book as a birthday present in June, so I'm impressed I made it all the way to November without starting a project from the book!

Amanda Jean's original quilt is a rainbow, but I decided to use blue, green and teals. I had originally planned for this to be a new leader and ender project, but I've found it easier to get my fabrics out for this project, make a few sets of units, and then put it away until I've added some new scraps to my pile. I'll just have to start a different project for leaders and enders. :)

I've also been strip piecing the "straight" units -- sort of, depending on what kind of scraps I have in a particular color. I've been using the strips longer than 7 inches for the "straight" blocks first, and then making the "diagonal" blocks. Here's a slate blue set of pieces in progress:

Once a section is 6.5 inches wide or more, I cross cut it to 6.5 inches, then rotate the block 90 degrees and trim to 6.5 inches square.

I usually have part of my strip set left over -- but usually not the full width -- so I will use that as the starting piece of a new block. Here are my three other slate blocks:

For the diagonal blocks, I use my 6.5 inch square ruler to approximate what strips are good fits for the angled parts of the block and continue adding until my ruler is covered with a significant overhang. These get trimmed to 7 inches because they'll eventually become the HST portions of the blocks.

With the rings being interconnected, my plan is to make all 18 sets of blocks before doing any sort of assembly. I'm already halfway done with the block sets -- only 9 to go! My next round of block making will need to be a few green blocks.

This project isn't using quite as many small scraps as I had originally hoped given that most of the strips used need to be at least 6.5 inches long, but I am having a lot of fun with the quick results! I'll have enough block sets for a quilt top soon!

Sharing at Let's Bee SocialNeedle and Thread Thursday, and Oh Scrap!

PS. I would really love your input on what kind of quilt along to host next year! There's a post on the Honey, Bunny, and Doll Facebook page!


  1. Ah, that wonderful feeling of starting a new project! The fabric is lovely, and I'm excited to see what the finished quilt top looks like!

  2. I love these colors, so I'm already eager to see what comes next, haha. :)

  3. There is something to be said for a quilt pattern that both uses scraps and gives quick results!

  4. I'm intrigued! You can't go wrong with those colors, that's for sure :)

  5. A great way to use up those leftovers quickly. Happy stitching this week.


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