
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Top Spin {Over the Hill}

It's official -- my Top Spin quilt is over the hill! It's made it to 40 blocks!

I took a break from my other projects (since I'm already done with all of my deadlines for this month!) and made sixteen more Top Spin blocks (pattern here). That brings my block total up to 40 blocks of the 48 blocks that I need to make for a twin sized quilt.

Knowing how many more blocks I need to make, I took stock of my small and medium HSTs. I am all set on small HSTs for the quilt (I have two extra) but I will need to make four more medium HSTs. I have exactly enough large squares cut to make the final eight HSTs for the final eight blocks (unless something is miscut or not large enough.)

Looking through my stash, I have two two-yard cuts in similar colors that I'll be able to use for the backing. I will likely have to add in a little something to get the backing to be big enough for a 72" x 96" quilt but that should be a relatively easy task.

This also means that I'm just about to the end of my leader and ender project! I am going to have to consider what I'd like to start as a leader and ender project or which of my WIPs would work to be a leader and ender project.

Sharing at Let's Bee SocialNeedle and Thread Thursday, and Oh Scrap!


  1. Yay for having met all your deadline goals for the month! Only 8 more blocks to go? Sounds like you are going to have those done soon. :)

  2. You're so close now! This will be a finished quilt in no time :)

  3. Congratulations on meeting all your goals for the month! You're almost there. It looks fantastic.

  4. What a fun quilt! I love the mix of HST sizes.

  5. It's always fun to get close to a finish. Very pretty blocks.


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