
Saturday, September 24, 2016

Roses {RSC September}

After another busy weekend last week, I'm finally back with more red Farmer's Wife blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I was able to complete 6 blocks over the last two weeks! Hooray!

#79 Silver Lane, #80 Single Wedding Star, #81 Snowball
#82 Spider Legs, #83 Spider Web, #84 Spool

While I didn't end up using a ton of yellow as accents in these blocks, I did try to use lots of different shades of red in the different blocks. I was also able to find quite a few red and white prints to use as well.

Four more blocks to make this month, and then I'll have 88 out of 111 blocks completed! Since I skipped August, I will need to make a few extra blocks at the end to catch up (I originally planned to do 11 blocks a month for 10 months) and I think I will try to make blocks that "blend" between my already made blocks for when I put it all together.

Sharing at Scrap Happy Saturday!


  1. Such beautiful colors! You are making great progress on your blocks. Keeping up is always the hardest part.

  2. Great job. Those blocks look awesome.

  3. I think your blocks look great! You have a nice variety of reds. I think my favorite is #79!

  4. that's a good idea, blending blocks.

  5. Lovely contrast in each block. Great variety of reds. Blending blocks sound like a perfect strategy to get the number you need.

  6. You have a way with color, Alison! Your red blocks are simply gorgeous!

  7. Silver Lane is really a standout. Your plan sounds like a good way to finish. Good luck with it.

  8. I love Spider Legs. It would make a great quilt all by itself :) it feels nice to have sewing goals doesn't it? I'm just realising that deadlines work for me.

  9. Lots of pretty reds. Your blocks turned out beautifully. Sounds like you've got a plan to finish out the year for RSC.

  10. Very pretty blocks. It sounds like you will have lots of blocks made by the end of this year.

  11. Looking GOOD! I love sampler block quilts. Looking forward to seeing your quilt come together : )


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