
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Quilt Along Update: Flying Geese and Fabric Selection

This summer seems to be the summer of quilt alongs!

I am participating in Melissa at Happy Quilting's Summer Solstice quilt along and I showed off my fabric selection a few weeks back. 

This week we are making flying geese and here are mine!

I am making all four of my star blocks the same colors so I only need two different colors of flying geese and 16 of each one. They went together so fast and they came out as the perfect size! Hooray! now to wait another week and a half until the next clue comes out!

I'm also participating in the Meadow Mystery quilt along hosted by Cheryl at Meadow Mist Designs. I participated in her mystery quilt along last year (here's my finished top) and I loved it! This month is fabric selection month for that quilt along and here are my picks:

I really like how she explains which colors are next to which other colors because that is such a huge help in picking your fabrics! I started with the light pink dot as my background since that was my largest cut needed at 2.25 yards. I pulled the pink, dark teal, and purple fabrics next since they are the accent colors in the background fabric. The pansy print was pulled last and while the other fabrics don't have green, the pinks and purples in the pansies themselves are a perfect color match to the other fabrics I had pulled.

I hope that this fabric pull turns out well for the quilt! This QAL is a month by month project, so the cutting step won't be revealed until the first week of August! Between now and then, I luckily have LOTS of things to keep me occupied at my sewing machine. :)


  1. Your fabric pull for the Meadow Mystery quilt looks great!

  2. It really does seem like the summer of QALs! I am excited to have Cheryl's mystery quilt starting again, and it is going to be fun to see how different our quilts turn out.

  3. Your flying geese look fantastic!! Great job getting them all pieced together ;) So excited to see your project come together with the 4 blocks being the same, it will be stunning!!!

  4. Love the colors you are using for both quilt alongs. Purple and yellow is a personal favorite.

  5. Your geese are great! I love your fabrics.


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