
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Bear Tracks Quilt Top

I am excited to show off my version of the Bear Tracks quilt top!

I ended up having a lot of trouble adhering to the layout in the pattern because I am working with five different fabrics and only three different basic colors. So I did diagonal stripes of each color and mixed in some unpieced squares around the edges.

Here's the final quilt top:

And here's the original quilt for reference:

I don't have enough fabric to do the borders (I don't think) so I will be working on getting this quilted this weekend! Then it will be sent off to a sweet little lady named Penny!

Sharing at Sew Cute Tuesday!


  1. I played with the layout a little since I'm making it for my 6-foot tall son =) I have the fabric all laid out. I hope to get cutting over the weekend!

  2. It's beautiful! I love the simplicity that the all purple color of this quilt gives. Hugs, H

  3. Very pretty. Perfect for a little girl.


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