
Friday, February 12, 2016

Stash Bee February Block

This month in the Stash Bee, my friend Heather is Queen Bee for my hive. She requested scrappy trip around the world blocks with navy and mustard as the center colors.

Now, for some reason, I really struggled with this block and basically threw a half completed block into the "project abyss" because it wasn't cut straight. My second try turned out just about perfect so I'm not sure what happened the first time around.

Here's my block:

After making this one successfully, I can definitely see why people love these blocks for scrap and strip busting!

I am waiting on one more pineapple to arrive to me and then I will show you all of my fruits!

Happy  Friday!


  1. Cute block, what a fun collection of scraps.

  2. Nice block. I made one once for a swap and had the same experience. I completely messed up my first try!

  3. It is a great block for stash busting. Your version turned out nicely.


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