
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Blue Breeze {WIP}

My blue Summer Breeze quilt has continued to be a good break from all of that FMQ that I have been doing on my star quilt.

Here are the little pinwheels:

Here they are in the finished blocks -- these were super zippy to put together!

Here's the top all laid out together -- somehow I miscounted and ended up with four extra rail fence blocks!

While I was slightly interrupted and had to stack all the blocks up before I put the top together, I managed to keep everything in order perfectly -- check out the adorable-ness that is this quilt top!

I am about 90% set that I will be using navy blue to back and bind this one to tone it down a little bit. I will definitely quilt it in white or light blue on the front, but I think that if I do a navy backing, I might also use navy in my bobbins. What do you think -- do you like to quilt with two different colors front and back or do you mainly stick with one color for both?

Sharing at WIP Wednesday!


  1. This is looking great, I've recently worked with 2 different colour threads and it's been fine, I was worried they might show through but I guess my tension was fine so it was no problem. Good luck with the quilting

  2. I do both, mainly same thread colours front and back - but am currently working on a little girl's quilt that has Bubblegum pink thread on top, and white on the bottom. As long as your tension is balanced, you absolutely cannot tell you are working with two different colours. Your quilt is just lovely...

  3. I have done both but I prefer the threads to match just because I'm crazy that way. On the other hand, I could never quilt in navy in white because I'm just not that good! Can't wait to see the finished product. I'm loving blues right now.

  4. I'd use two fairly similar thread colours, otherwise you might get dark and light dots showing on either side.

  5. If you have slight tension problems when quilting, once it's washed, the stitches will nest and you won't be able to tell.

  6. definitely adorable-ness is happening with this quilt top ! looks like you've already received some good advice on the thread and I would go for the two colours also.

  7. Love blue and white together! I try to keep the top thread and bobbin the same, that way if your tension is off a bit, it will not show either way. I think I would go with white. Can't wait to see it finished!

  8. You're right--this is adorable. I usually use the same color in the top and bottom, but until recently, I did all my quilting with white or off-white, so I'm probably not much help. I'm looking forward to seeing what you decide.

  9. wow you have been busy! this looks great

  10. Lots of pretty blues! It's a nice breath of summer with the crisp white and the bright blues. I'm ready for summer with all the cold this week.

  11. I just love an all blue quilt and this one is beautiful!! I see several fabrics in your quilt that I have in my stash :D

    I rarely use the same color thread in the top and bobbin. I typically pick a color that will blend with the backing fabric and go crazy with different threads on the top :)


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