
Friday, October 2, 2015

Finished Picnic Pinwheels Baby Quilt

It's done! Hooray!

As I mentioned previously, I had started the quilting over the weekend and I was able to finish it up this week and then put the binding on. I did bias binding with one of the leftover fat quarters and juuuuust squeaked by having enough binding. But just barely!

I quilted this one with light blue thread (the same as I had done in this quilt that uses the same fabric) and I used light blue flannel for the backing. I decided against doing some sort of border since it was already decently sized for a baby quilt.

I did loop de loop quilting on this one and while I intended to do it on a larger scale, once I got started quilting, it ended up slightly smaller than I intended. It still looks good, I just need to work on enlarging my quilting.

I'm not sure why the backing looks so teal in this picture other than I had to take pictures inside, but it's not quite that teal.

One down, four more to start and finish!

Size: 36 x 48 inches
Pattern: Picnic Pinwheels by Patch the Giraffe
Quilting: Free motion loop de loops
Binding: Bias binding from a fat quarter of coordinating fabric

Linking up at  Free Motion Mavericks and Finish it Up Friday!


  1. I love the cream fabric between the blues and prints. Well done.
    Greetings from Germany!

  2. I just love this. It has such a vintage feel. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Oh wow it's so cute and I love the colour combinations, that yellow is so fresh and sweet :)

  4. You finished! Hooray! Looks great and even though the quilting is smaller than you intended, it still looks great.

  5. Congrats on a beautiful finish!

  6. Your loop-de-loops are great on it. :D And it's very nice to know, (if I caught that correctly) we can squeeze the whole baby quilt binding from one FQ? What width do you cut your binding?

  7. Hello Alison,

    Thank you for linking up with Free Motion Mavericks!

    I love absolutely everything about this quilt, so much so that I have chosen it to be the featured project on the linky tomorrow. It was the shade of buttermilk for the plain fabric that clinched it - wonderful!

    Love, Muv


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