
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

WIP Wednesday: Ready to Sash

It's Wednesday, and I've finally made some serious progress on my Romantic Garden quilt to share with you!

I finally finished up all of my block Bs and here are all of my block As and Bs laid out.

I realize how that I maybe should have switched up some of the fabrics in A with some of the fabrics in B -- the A fabrics are small prints and tonals, the B fabrics have both larger scale prints from the bunch. Oh well.

Here's the whole center sewn together:

I do think it looks better in person, and of course it's was seriously cloudy when I was sewing so the lighting isn't great either. C'est la vie!

The center of this quilt is actually only 60 inches square, but there are 7 borders that go on this baby. S-E-V-E-N. One of them is a pieced border with square in a square units. I'm going to do all of the cutting for the other borders and then do all of the piecing for the square in a square units with all of the fabric that I have left.

Linking up with WIP Wednesday!


  1. Oh man, I love this! It's like mosaic tile!

  2. This looks great so far. Look forward to seeing it border by border.

  3. This looks great so far. Look forward to seeing it border by border.

  4. What a lovely quilt. The pops of green really sell it.

  5. looks fine to me, all those borders it will be pretty spectacular when complete

  6. Love it! Look forward to seeing where your skill and creativity takes it to the finish line!!


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