
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Puttering along

Lately I've felt like I have been puttering along with my projects and not getting very much done. I've been working a lot in the evenings and on Saturdays at my second job so this seriously cuts into my sewing time. 

I have finished all of the centers of my Block Bs for my Romantic Garden quilt and started adding the outer parts to the centers.

Lots of stitch and flip triangles going on here. The pattern actually calls for two HSTs plus a square of the large light floral, but I didn't want to chop up the pattern, so I did stitch and flip corners on larger rectangles instead.

Here are the last sets of side pieces ready to be sewn on to my Ohio stars.

I also finally got started on my Halloween Mini Swap quilt! My plan is to make a mini row quilt wall hanging about 18" by 24". Here's the first row -- lil' candy corns! God bless my 60 degree ruler.

I have lots of ideas for the other rows -- witch hats, black cats, bats, headstones, more candy, frogs -- but I'm not sure what to do yet!

In other news, yesterday was my 27th birthday and my husband took me to the Maryland Zoo for the day and I got to feed Caesar the giraffe! Next to bunnies, giraffes are my favorite animals.

Here's the action shot:

And here are Park Ranger Husband and I hanging out with the penguins!

Happy stitching! Linking up at Fabric Tuesday, Linky Tuesday, Building Blocks Tuesday, and WIP Wednesday!


  1. Cuteness in your blocks and animals. Happy belated birthday.

  2. belated happy birthday, a lovely way to spend the day at the zoo.

  3. Happy belated birthday. I hate it when work gets in the way of my sewing. Hopefully that won't last too long.


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