
Monday, April 27, 2015

Fussy Quilting

I finally have some progress to share on my April wall hanging!

So, embarassingly, part of my problem has been not having any off-white thread to do said quilting and I finally forced myself to stop and get thread on my way home from work Friday and was able to get some of the quilting done yesterday.

This is my first attempt at "custom quilting" or as I like to call it, "fussy quilting" and I am pretty pleased with the results thus far.

Here's a shot of the whole wall hanging right now:

On the umbrella, I did echo quilting of the scalloped edge of the umbrella. I didn't want to do all that much to take away from the epic fabric that I used for the umbrella.

It's really hard to see on here (and even harder to see on the background!) but the boots are quilted with curls.

Each raindrop is quilted with a raindrop shaped swirl inside. I think these are my favorite of the quilting that I've done on this one thus far.

I'm going to do some sort of filler on the rest of the background -- no quilting on the flowers or the umbrella stem just because they are so small. The backing fabric is the same green and off white fabric you see in the above picture so it is REALLY hard to see the quilting on it but hopefully when it is finished it will show up better.

Happy stitching! Will be sharing at the normal linky places: Linky Tuesday, Fabric Tuesday, Sew Cute Tuesday, WIP Wednesday.


  1. What an adorable mini and your quilting is just beautiful. I really love your idea of custom quilting the individual sections, it's going to be really wonderful when it is finished.

  2. What a cute (and season appropriate!) design! I love the use of different quilting designs- very successful!

  3. It's sooooo..... beautiful! In my head I'm singing the song from "Bambi" about "April Showers"!!!! (and smiling all the while), love, love your wall hanging!

  4. Fun wall hanging, and beautiful quilting. How ingenious to echo quilt to suggest the three-dimensional shape of the umbrella.

  5. Looks so cute! The quilting adds such a nice texture, it really helps enhance the design.

  6. Very cute. The quilting really accentuates the desgin.

  7. Your quilting looks wonderful and what a neat wall hanging!


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