
Monday, March 30, 2015

March Stash Bee Block

I spent all day yesterday sewing (and cleaning and laundry, but the sewing is the important part) BUT I can only show you one thing since the rest of what I was working on was prep-work for the QCQAL blocks for April! One week from today, the first 8" block tutorial will be posted, so don't forget to come back!

The one thing that I worked ton that I can show you is my March Stash Bee block. Normally I try to be a good Hive Mama/Bee Mama and get my blocks done right away in the first week, but that did not happen at all this month! And this block took maybe a half hour to make!

Robin requested aqua HST quilt blocks in any design that we desired! I made this block (which has a name but it escapes me at the moment) and it was so fast! For some reason, I have really used up a lot of my aqua scrappy stash recently (at least pieces big enough for this block) and I didn't have a lot of fabrics to work with!

Now that I've gotten the "advance" QCQAL work done, I need to make some progress on my April wall hangings! Hopefully a post on that on Wednesday (and maybe a follow up FINISH post on Friday!)

1 comment:

  1. The Air and Space Museum would really appeal to my husband and kids. My two-year-old daughter is always pointing out airplanes. I love the quick bee blocks! And you just had to put that song in my head, didn't you?


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